Expectations from IEEE GRSS
After the FCS is approved by IEEE GRSS, the organizers of the symposium are expected to provide periodic status reports to GRSS. The ongoing status and final reports will be presented at the IEEE GRSS AdCom meetings (March, July, and November).
For TCS, a short report is expected no later than 3 weeks after the end of the Conference, and to be sent to the IEEE GRSS VP of Meetings and Symposia (vp_meetings_symposia@grss-ieee.org).
In both cases, the report (PowerPoint presentation) should contain relevant information, including: 1) composition of the Technical Program Committee; 2) number of submissions and acceptance rate; 3) number of oral and poster papers presented, and number of no shows; 4) total attendance; 5) total budget; 6) list of sponsors; 7) if applicable, name of journal where a special issue is planned. If there are any special requests from the symposium organizers they can be discussed at the AdCom meeting.
The report will be taken into consideration for the approval of further co-sponsorship requests in forthcoming years.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the IEEE of Specialty Symposia: