Highschool and Undergraduate Outreach Program

High School and Undergraduate Outreach Program

The GRSS High School and Undergraduate Outreach Program is dedicated to nurturing learning and development in the next generation. Our primary objective is to cultivate final-year students’ passion for STEM education, equipping them for future careers and providing exposure to university-level material. We strive to bridge the gap for students in remote locations by connecting them with academics and programs.

Milestones Achieved 

Design and Field Experiment

Students in this program initiated a design and field experiment to build GNNS-R. GNNS-R exploits reflected navigation satellite signals from water, ice, or land surfaces.

Students acquired the necessary hardware and electronics to build their GNSS-R test equipment. They used the hardware electronics to build their GNSS-R test equipment.

This involved assembling the components and writing the necessary software. After assembly, they tested their GNSS-R test equipment in a local area before deploying it in the field. This allowed them to troubleshoot any problems and make sure the equipment was working properly.

Test Deployment:

Field Site Deployment:

Future Milestones

The program’s next milestone is a second invited lecturer/site visit by Prof. Wolfgang Rack from the University of Canterbury, a former WG lead for IFT drone-based remote sensing and cryospheric researcher.