IEEE GRSS and Microwave Remote Sensing Center Announce New Collaborative Agreement for future MicroRAD meetings

IEEE GRSS and Microwave Remote Sensing Center Announce New Collaborative Agreement for future MicroRAD meetings

Dr. Mariko Burgin, IEEE GRSS President, signs an MoU
with Prof. Simonetta Paloscia, CeTeM-MRSC President

Athens, Greece – The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Microwave Remote Sensing Center (CeTeM-MRSC) for the joint organization and sponsorship of the Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing for the Environment (MicroRAD) meetings.

The agreement was signed by IEEE GRSS President Dr. Mariko Burgin and CeTeM-MRSC President Prof. Simonetta Paloscia. The signing ceremony took place on July 10, 2024, during IEEE GRSS’s flagship conference, the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2024) in Athens, Greece.

IEEE GRSS started its sponsorship of MicroRAD meetings in 1999, with each meeting negotiated individually based on local needs. However, decisions on date, location, and structure were traditionally left to the Permanent Steering Committee (PSC) of the biennial meeting. With this new collaborative agreement, IEEE GRSS will take greater initiative in planning and executing MicroRAD meetings, aiming to make these processes more consistent and streamlined. This increased involvement will enhance the overall quality and impact of the conferences. Efforts will include deeper engagement in logistical planning and ensuring that MicroRAD activities align seamlessly with other GRSS-related events throughout the year.

This enhanced partnership designates IEEE GRSS as the responsible entity for ensuring the proceedings are published in IEEE Xplore. Additionally, there is an intent to publish a Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing (JSTARS) featuring a selection of expanded papers presented at the conference.

Burgin expressed after the signing that this agreement will mutually benefit both parties, and especially future attendees of MicroRAD meetings. IEEE GRSS and CeTeM-MRSC, both non-profit scientific organizations, will continue to work collaboratively to advance the field of microwave remote sensing.

This partnership highlights IEEE GRSS and CeTeM-MRSC’s dedication to excellence and their mutual objective of advancing the development and application of microwave remote sensing technologies. Together, they aim to establish MicroRAD meetings as a premier platform for fostering innovation, facilitating knowledge exchange, and supporting professional growth.

For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Tumampos
Chief of Publicity & PR