Geoscience and Remote Sensing Section within IEEE Access

About the Publication


The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Section in IEEE Access covers theoretical, methodological, and experimental aspects of remote sensing applied to the observation of the Earth, Oceans, Atmosphere, and Space. The journal publishes original research results, application-oriented contributions, as well as new multidisciplinary operational approaches. High-quality review, survey, and tutorial articles on selected topics of interest for the Geoscience and Remote Sensing community are also welcome.


The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Section within IEEE Access will draw on the expert technical community to continue IEEE’s commitment to publishing the most highly-cited content. The review process is managed by a dedicated team of topical editors. The Journal publication process follows a binary peer-review model and targets a publication period of 6 weeks for most accepted papers. The journal is fully open and compliant with funder mandates, including Plan S.

Author Information and Instructions

To submit a paper, select the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Section from the pull-down menu of “Manuscript type” in the first page of the submission process.

The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations. Each published article is reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer-review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

For more information, including bibliometric and indexing details, potential authors can refer to the IEEE Access dedicated webpage.

GRSS is regarded as a trusted and unbiased source of technical information in the geoscience and remote sensing community. It is composed of engineers, scientists, students, and technicians, working to advance the science and technology of geoscience and remote sensing.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

The APC is $1,995 per article (plus applicable local taxes) without page limits.

Corresponding authors who are IEEE members receive a 5% discount; IEEE members who are also IEEE Society members receive a 20% discount (the 5% IEEE member discount plus an additional 15% discount for Society membership). Please note that this discount does not apply to Student or Graduate Student Members.


Prof. Gerardo Di Martino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Associate Editors

Donato Amitrano, CIRA – Italian Aerospace Research Centre, Italy
Stefania Bonafoni, University of Perugia, Italy
Monidipa Das, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), India
Wei He, Wuhan University, China
Vineetha Menon, University of Alabama- Huntsville, USA
Andrea Rey, Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham, Argentina
Leung Tsang, University of Michigan- Ann Arbor, USA
Yajing Yan, LISTIC, University Savoie Mont Blanc, Annecy, France

Prof. Gerardo Di Martino
University of Naples Federico II, Italy

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