Our Mission
IEEE Young Professionals is a group of IEEE members and volunteers who have graduated from their first professional degree within the past 15 years. It is an international community, whose members are interested in elevating their professional image, expanding their global network, connecting with peers locally, and giving back to their community. Since it encompasses all members from recent university graduates to experienced professionals and entrepreneurs, the group is highly diverse in what it has to offer.
“Earth at Risk” Image Contest – 3rd Edition
Call for GRSS YP Ambassadors
2023 Earth at Risk Image Contest Winners
Our Initiatives
YP Webinar Series
Our webinar series aims to empower young professionals all over the world by inviting experts from academia and industry to talk about research opportunities and career development.
YP Competitions
We organize many competitions for students and young professionals such as 3MT and Photo Contests.
Conference and Forum Activities
We host events all year and all around the globe on topics that will surely interest you as a young professional such as networking, career development and workshops.
RISE UP YP Mentorship Program
This program aims to help students and young professionals to develop meaningful relationships with world leaders in geoscience and remote sensing.
Global YP Connect Program
This program aims to connect and engage the global GRSS YP community through YP representatives in every region. Check our local YP chapter activities here.
(now called IEEE volunteering). The platform provides a new capability to IEEE members to browse available volunteering gigs and apply for those that interest them.