External Educational Resources
Dr. Seuss once said: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” There is always time to learn something new and upskill yourself. Many top universities, professional institutes and organizations offer free online Geoscience and Remote Sensing learning resources that you can check anytime and learn at your own pace. We are listing some of them here.

Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis, and Applications
This course covers the fundamental nature of remote sensing and the platforms and sensor types used. It also provides an in-depth treatment of the computational algorithms employed in image understanding, ranging from the earliest historically important techniques to more recent approaches based on deep learning.

Terrestrial Remote Sensing Toolkit
This platform shows how images collected from satellites and aircraft can be used to map and monitor features, structures or processes in terrestrial environmental and their changes over time.

The ARSET Program offers free, online satellite remote sensing training that builds the skills to integrate NASA Earth Science data into an agency’s decision-making activities.

ESA academy training courses
The ESA Education Office has been offering University students the opportunity to attend training sessions within the frame of ESA Academy’s Training and Learning Programme.

Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications Online Course
This course covers the fundamental nature of remote sensing and the platforms and sensor types used. It also provides an in-depth treatment of the computational algorithms employed in image understanding, ranging from the earliest historically important techniques to more recent approaches based on deep learning. It’s offered by The University of New South Wales (UNSW).

RF Microwave Webinars
Webinars about various Radio Frequency technologies from industry and academia from Microwave Journal.

Geoscience: The Earth and its Resources
Introductory course to modern Earth Sciences with application to the Geology of hydrocarbon and geothermal energy.

ESoA European School of antennas
ESoA is a self-consistent model of post graduate school distributed in the several research centers in Europe. It offers the opportunity to attend courses in the most relevant Scientific Centers of Excellence, and to attend lectures from the best local and visiting instructors on Antennas and Propagation, courses of Computational EM, Metamaterials, Bio-EM, Wireless, Nanostructured materials, and TeraHertz.

Remote sensing tutorials from the Natural Resources Canada
The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation is offering tutorials on remote sensing technology and its applications. This interactive module is intended as an overview at a senior high school or early university level and touches on physics, environmental sciences, mathematics, computer sciences and geography.

This course introduces you to the powerful role of satellite ‘Earth observation’ (EO) technology in monitoring our oceans, and to the beautiful and inspiring nature of the imagery and data it produces.

Copernicus MOOC is an online training aimed at enabling anyone to understand how to use Earth Observation data in order to address societal challenges and generate business opportunities.

Geo University provides courses, tools and data to start learning and advance skills in GIS & Earth Observation with possible certification

EO College
An online platform for courses, webinars and training on Earth Observation

The Remote Sensing Core Curriculum provides lessons covering a broad base of remote sensing knowledge, from introductory material that would be presented in a first RS class to more advanced material. It also offers students projects and lab experiments.

MIT Open Course Ware
Diverse online courses materials on Remote Sensing from Massachusetts Institute of Technology such as “Atmospheric Radiation”, “Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems“, etc.

ESRI Academy online courses and trainings
Esri training options support GIS practitioners, non-GIS professionals, and anyone who needs to use the ArcGIS platform to support their daily workflows, enhance projects with geographic context, and create information that leads to better decision-making. It offers instructor-led courses as well as online interactive courses and training seminars with activities and software exercises.

The Use of Satellite Remote Sensing guide
The purpose of this guide is to help you find selected key documents and data sets vital to understanding the use of satellite remote sensing to study the human dimensions of global environmental change.

An open online course on Remote Sensing. This is aimed for students, young scientists, teachers and practitioners who want to familiarize themselves with open geodata for spatially related questions.

It is a free collection of hundreds of training resources intended for the geoscience community. The training resources consist of lessons and courses with possible certification.

The Online Guide Remote Sensing
The Online Remote Sensing Guide consists of two web-based instructional modules that use incorporate text, colorful diagrams, and animations to introduce selected topics in the field of remote sensing.

IIRS Outreach e-Learning Education Programme
A online learning platform by the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing focussing on strengthening the Academia and User Segments in Space Technology & Its Applications using Online Learning Platforms.

Open education resources hosted by Penn State’s College of EMS providing online courses on different topics of Geoscience.

Introduction to Urban Geo-Informatics Course
This course offers a combination of GIS, remote sensing, global navigation satellite system, location-based system, underground utilities survey, and smart city application. It’s provided by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University through edX platform.

EarthLab Free Earth Data Science Courses
Free and open earth data science textbooks and courses as open education resources from the University of Colorado.

JAXA space education materials
Space Materials videos and teaching guides for children including remote sensing technology.