Inside Our Latest Issue
This journal reflects the growing interest in application themes in several IEEE conferences. Many papers are part of special issues that result from GRSS-sponsored (or technically co-sponsored) symposia, workshops, and similar initiatives. Some special issue topics, particularly those in the applications area, will now be published by the new open-access J-STARS.
> Google Earth Engine Cloud for Big Data
> Deep Learning Classification of Hyperspectral data
> Sentinel-1 SAR for Urban Interpretation
> RS Image Classification Meets Deep Learning
About the Publication
In keeping with IEEE’s continued commitment to providing options to support the needs of all authors, IEEE has transformed the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing into an Open Access Journal for the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS).
We invite you to have your article peer-reviewed and published in in our IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS). This is an exciting opportunity for your research to benefit from the high visibility and interest the journal’s marketing launch will generate. Your work will also be exposed to 5 million monthly users of the acclaimed IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
The Open Access J-STARS journal is sponsored by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. It will draw on the expert technical community to continue IEEE’s commitment to publishing the most highly-cited content. The editor-in-chief of the journal is the distinguished Professor Jun Li, with the School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, China. The goal of the journal is to publish very quickly—our rapid peer review process is now targeting a publication time frame of 10 weeks for most accepted papers. This journal is now fully open (since January 2020) and compliant with funder mandates, including Plan S.
The APC for manuscripts submitted in 2024 is US $1496, which is US $1800 for those submitted since 1 Jan, 2025.
The following defines the range of topics that are appropriate for J-STARS: “Papers should address current issues and techniques in applied remote and in situ sensing, their integration, and applied modeling and information creation for understanding the Earth. Applications are for the Earth, oceans and atmosphere. Topics can include observations, derived information such as forecast data, simulated information, data assimilation and Earth information techniques to address science and engineering issues of the Earth system. The technical content of papers must be both new and significant.”
Related Information:
- Optional Code Ocean Submission
- View the most popular JSTARS articles.
- Editorial Board
- Special Issues
- Past Issues
- Peer Review
- Publication Ethics
Submission Information:
Paper submission is handled through the ScholarOne Manuscripts site ( The work flow for submission and review is the same as that for TGRS.
Please read Information for Authors before submitting an article. Authors must also adhere to ORCID requirements.
We welcome individual articles and proposals for theme issues or special issues on topics relevant to JSTARS. Further information and guidance is available by contacting either the Editor-in-Chief or the Deputy Editor-in-Chief. We look forward to collaborating with the membership on an important and exciting new chapter in the evolution of both the GRSS and ICEO.