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Advantages of a GRSS Co-Sponsored Conference

Services from GRSS for Co-Sponsored Meetings and Symposia

The following services are offered by IEEE GRSS for those symposia for which FCS or TCS is approved by the GRSS AdCom.

Use of the IEEE GRSS logo on all material and websites to show the specialty symposium is co-sponsored by IEEE GRSS.

The IEEE GRSS will provide publicity services to help advertise your specialty symposium to the IEEE GRSS membership. Please note that IEEE GRSS will not provide e-mail service directly to the society members.

(1) IEEE GRSS Magazine
The GRSS Magazine is published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) and is available to the GRSS membership electronically. The magazine is also available online.

Please prepare and send the GRSS Newsletter Editor the following information about two months before the publication of the magazine in which you want your ad to appear. Co-sponsorship secures the specialty symposium: 1) a 1/4 page advertisement in the GRSS Magazine and 2) a short announcement in the Upcoming Conferences section which includes the name of the symposium, location, dates, contact information, and symposium URL.

(2) IEEE GRSS Website
We will link the IEEE GRSS website to the URL of the specialty symposium here. Please provide your symposium’s URL to us in the normal application process.

(3) IEEE Electronic Newsletter
The GRSS Society publishes an on-line Newsletter that includes upcoming events. Your conference, symposia or workshop will be added to this description which is circulated to the GRSS membership.

(4) Conference report for the Magazine
After the conference has been held you may provide a report for publication in the GRSS Magazine about the conference. This may include conference attendance and publication statistics, description of social events at the meeting, and general feedback from attendees.

IEEE GRSS strongly suggests the organizers of the symposium use the IEEE Xplore digital library for disseminating the papers resulting from the symposium. This digital library will enable archival access to the papers from your symposium and make the information from your symposium available to a wider audience. Information on how to get papers published via IEEE Xplore is available here.
Additional overall considerations are provided below:

  • No-show papers are treated as rejected papers
  • The minimum length of a paper is 2 pages
  • GRSS will apply CrossCheck to all conference papers
  • The papers should have no more than 40% overlap with prior publications

IEEE GRSS also has three refereed journals that accept special issue proposals: 1) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), and 2) Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observation and Remote Sensing (JSTARS) and 3) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. The symposium organizers may propose a special issue of the symposium to one of these journals. These requests need to be directed to the editor of the journal. Please refer to the GRSS website for additional information on each of these publications.

The GRSS may be able to provide recommendations and assistance in the organization of the technical program, paper review process and organization of workshops and session on specialized remote sensing topics. The GRSS has organized a task force aimed at developing GRSS membership and activities in South America, South Africa and the Asia-Pacific Region. These activities include initiatives for workshops and specialty/regional symposia. For more information about regional initiatives please contact the following GRSS representatives:

China: Prof. Feng Xu (
Asia-Pacific: Prof. Tony Milne (
India: Prof. Shiv Mohan (
Middle East and North Africa: Prof. Riadh Abdelfattah (
Africa: Prof. Anthony Vodacek (
Latin America: Prof. Carlos Lopez-Martinez (