A GRSL special stream – 2016
· Hongbo Sun, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Guest Editor)
· Masanobu Shimada, Tokyo Denki University, Japan (Guest Editor)
· Feng Xu, Fudan University, China (GRSL Associate Editor)
The Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR) is a series of international conferences devoted to Synthetic Aperture Radar technology development and applications. Since 2007, the APSAR conferences have been held in every odd year in Asia-Pacific countries like China, Korea, Japan, and Singapore (complementary to the EUSAR conferences in every even year in European countries). The 5th APSAR Conference has just been successfully held in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 1-4 September 2015. Totally 317 delegates from 23 countries attended this conference and 205 high-quality technical papers were presented, which represent the recent developments of SAR technologies and applications for remote sensing.
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (IEEE GRSL) calls for papers for a Special Stream on “Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing – Systems, Data Processing, and Applications”. The papers will be based on the latest research results and outcomes presented in APSAR 2015 conference. All authors in APSAR 2015 are cordially invited to submit an article to this IEEE GRSL Special Stream.
Paper Submission Link: mc.manuscriptcentral.com/grsl (Please choose “APSAR 2015”)
Starting date for submission: 1 January 2016
Closing date for submission: 7 April 2016