IEEE GRSS announces strategic partnerships with AESS and OES

IEEE GRSS announces strategic partnerships with AESS and OES

Dr. Mariko Burgin, IEEE GRSS President signs an MoU with Dr. Maria Sabrina Greco, President of IEEE AESS
Brandy Armstrong, President of IEEE OES signs an MoU with IEEE GRSS

On June 23, 2024, the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) executed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with its sister societies, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) and IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OEC).

Dr. Mariko Burgin, President of the IEEE GRSS, has signed an MoU with Dr. Maria Sabrina Greco, President of IEEE AESS, and another with Brandy Armstrong, President of IEEE OES.

These cooperative partnerships aim to foster joint activities, increase memberships, and strengthen partnerships within IEEE. Planned activities include joint technical or societal meetings with local chapters, distinguished lecturer programs, a special publication package for members and promotion of each other’s conferences and trade shows.

Additionally, these agreements also encourage exploring new opportunities in areas such as joint publication initiatives, collaborative conferences, and organizing workshops that will benefit volunteers.These partnerships will give members access to a broader range of resources and engage in interdisciplinary work.

Burgin expressed that these partnerships will provide GRSS members with enhanced opportunities for research and collaboration, particularly in the specialized fields represented by AESS and OES.

For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Tumampos
Chief of Publicity & PR