A GRSL special stream – 2017
· Feng Xu, Fudan University, China (GRSL Associate Editor)
· Mihai Datcu, DLR, Germany (Guest Editor)
Artificial intelligence has recently achieved great successes in conventional areas such as computer vision and robotics. Some of the newly emerging technologies such as deep learning is promising in big data applications. Remote sensing with its huge volume of data obtained daily by numerous in-orbit observation systems makes a perfect area for such data-driven applications. As deep learning has quickly revolutionized computer vision area, we believe it is for remote sensing community to embrace this promising technology and promote its applications in remote sensing data processing. RSIP 2017 aims to bring together young scientists to discuss, share and collaborate in this new research frontier.
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (IEEE GRSL) calls for papers for a Special Stream on “Deep Learning as Applied in Remote Sensing Imagery Interpretation”. Authors who presented at the RSIP 2017 are invited to submit a substantially extended version of the paper to this special stream. The submitted paper should cite to the original workshop paper published in the RSIP proceedings. In principle, submissions to this special stream are required to submit a reproducible code and sample data along with the manuscript. Submissions from non-English speaking countries are encouraged to use professional proof-reading services.
Starting date for submission: 19 May 2017
Closing date for submission: 18 August 2017
Paper Submission Link: mc.manuscriptcentral.com/grsl (Please choose “RSIP 2017”)