Oct 22, 2019
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) is pleased to announce that the Journal of Selected Topics of Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS) will become a fully open-access (OA) journal as of January 1, 2020. This is a positive move toward providing the remote sensing community with a more convenient and efficient process to publish research results on remote sensing techniques and applications. The journal’s emphasis will continue to be on special topics and dedicated issues.
Papers will be published online upon acceptance, and made freely downloadable upon publication. Thus, a special issue will comprise a volume of OA papers and there will be no delay waiting for all of the papers in an issue. This fully open-access format is partially supported by the payment of authors (author publication cost or APC) of accepted manuscripts ($1250 each) which is in part supported by the IEEE GRSS.
For more details about the change click here.
We welcome your submissions via mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jstars. For more details about the journal, please visit www.grss-ieee.org/publication-category/jstars.