
GEO Global Forum 2025

GEO Global Forum 2025 in Rome

The GEO Global Forum 2025 will take place in Rome, Italy, from 5–9 May 2025. GRSS is a participating organization to GEO, actively supporting its activities and fora. Therefore, GRSS suggest to its members to take into consideration the following four key actions to support a significant participation in this important event.

IEEE GRSS Spanish Chapter Awards

IEEE GRSS Spanish Chapter Awards

The Spanish Chapter of IEEE-GRSS is delighted to announce the 8th edition of its Awards for the Best Master’s Theses (TFMs) and Doctoral Theses (PhDs) in the field of remote sensing for Earth observation (Geoscience and Remote Sensing).

TC Webinar - IFT

Full-Polarimetric GNSS-Reflectometry Capabilities: The SMAP-R Dataset

This presentation will introduce the SMAP-R dataset to the scientific community, highlighting the main sensitivities of full-polarimetric GNSS-R measurements to the Earth’s surface geophysical parameters and the potential applications enabled by upcoming polarimetric GNSS-R missions.

TC Webinar - GSEO

Earth Observation in the NewSpace Era: insights on IEEC’s missions

This webinar will explore insights from IEEC’s operational nanosatellite, Menut (launched in January 2023) and GENEO-02, currently in the design phase. The webinar will share key takeaways, lessons learned and will demonstrate how NewSpace EO missions can actively contribute as additional data sources, offering new possibilities for remote sensing based studies.

Job Postings

New Post-doc Position at AWI/DLR

PostDoc position in “Interferometric SAR Data Processing and Analysis for Implementation in the 3D-ABC Foundation Model” (m/d/f)


REACT (EO4SDG) Competition – 3rd Edition

The EO4SDG (Earth Observation for Sustainable Development Goals) mini-projects are dynamic initiatives designed by IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society’s Technical Committee REACT (Remote sensing Environment, Analysis, and Climate Technologies).