Remote Sensing in Risk Management in High Mountain Asia

Remote Sensing in Risk Management in High Mountain Asia

Webinar Speaker:

Jakob Steiner


University of Graz and Himalayan University Consortium

About the Webinar

An increasing number of high-impact disasters are being reported from High Mountain Asia, some of which have been studied with astonishing detail relying on remote sensing data. Regional capacities to respond to these evolving hazard chains, both in academic as well as governmental environments are however less well known and sometimes available capacities remain untapped. We will look at some of these capacities and associated challenges through the prism of recent events and explore potential ways ahead for international capacities to contribute to further improve our responses.

About the Speaker

Jakob Steiner has a degree in Environmental Engineering from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and completed his PhD on High Mountain Hydrology at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Currently based in Pakistan, he has many years of research experience in High Mountain Asia, working both academic as well as governmental partners. He co-leads a working group on Mountain Data at the ICIMOD based Himalayan University Consortium and is active in numerous regional and global networks addressing climate change and associated risks in cold and high environments.

Recorded Webinar