M2GARSS 2020 || March 9 – March 11, 2020 || Tunis, Tunisia
On behalf of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and the M2GARSS 2020 Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to ?participate and to join us in Tunis, Tunisia for M2GARSS 2020 that will be held from Monday March 9th to Wednesday March 11th, 2020 at “Ramada Plaza Tunis”.
This event will be the first Mediterranean and Middle-East (M2) regional symposium of the IEEE GRSS and will contribute to gather M2 and world-class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of geoscience, remote sensing and related topics. Additional specific topics of this event such as “Water Resources”, “Desertification Processes” and “Agriculture” will be part of an inspiring and rich technical program.
M2GARSS aims at being a first-class event in remote sensing and providing an ideal forum for exchanging information and ideas about the latest developments, identifying future trends in your research area and making contacts with the M2 and international remote sensing community. With intensive and careful planning underway, we anticipate a technically outstanding and most pleasant symposium.
M2GARSS will have the same standard as IGARSS, the IEEE GRSS flagship Symposium, in terms of scientific quality and organization, and with lower registration fees: between $150 and $350, including coffee breaks, lunches, banquet, proceedings, and tutorial attendance.
Please visit the M2GARSS 2020 website for more details and do not hesitate to broadcast this information around you: 2020.m2garss.org/
We look forward to meeting you in Tunis during M2GARSS 2020.
Riadh Abdelfattah and Farid Melgani
General Chairs
Upcoming dates:
Paper Submission System On-Line: June 15, 2019
Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2019
Information about paper submission is available at: