New Editors in Chief for the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
Department: (GRSS)
Deadline: April 15th, 2022
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) seeks new Editors in Chief (EIC) for its flagship journal Transactions in Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS) and its relatively new magazine Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM). The terms of the present EICs (Simon Yueh for TGRS and Jim Garrison for GRSM) expire at the end of 2022. GRSS would like to have these two EIC positions filled by July 2022 to provide a period of overlap with the present EICs.
Job Description:
The duties of the TGRS EIC are to manage the journal by assigning papers to Associate Editors for review and making the final decision on each paper. They are also responsible for the management of the Associate Editors that constitute the TGRS Editorial Board. TGRS has grown to the point where we have added two Associate Editors in Chief (AEICs, Joel Johnson and Xiuping Jia), who will continue in the near term. These AEICs assist the EIC in the review responsibilities and help to reduce the load on the EiC. TGRS is a monthly publication and is now an electronic publication (without printed copies). GRSS funds a full-time editorial assistant for the TGRS EIC.
GRSM publishes tutorials and other types of informational technical articles that must be reviewed in keeping with IEEE policy. The magazine is published quarterly electronically on IEEE Xplore and digitally. For GRSM, additional effort is involved in maintaining columns and comments. For a modest additional cost, print can be requested. GRSS funds a part-time editorial assistant for GRSM.
All EICs coordinate the management of their publications with the Vice President of Publications of GRSS (Bill Emery). The EICs serve as ex-officio members of the GRSS Administrative Committee (AdCom) and participate in all GRSS AdCom activities. They vote on all GRSS issues except for the selection of new AdCom members. Anyone interested in these positions should contact Bill Emery ( before April 15, 2022 and specify if they are interested in TGRS or GRSM. Please provide a CV and list of references with contact information.