Thursday, May 16, 2019
15:00 GMT/UTC
11:00 AM US Eastern Time
Speaker: Jean-Philippe_Gagnon, Telops
Sponsored by GRSS
Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Methane Detection, Identification and Quantification
Learn more about the famous Telops Hyper-Cam Methane, a high-performance thermal infrared hyperspectral camera dedicated to methane emission detection, identification and quantification.
This powerful system has demonstrated its usefulness during several field measurement campaigns, many of which were airborne. This webinar introduces the Hyper-Cam technology and performances, and discusses future developments such as UAV capabilities.
Jean-Philippe Gagnon, one of our field application scientists, has directed many methane detection campaigns and knows the Hyper-Cam inside out.

Jean-Philippe Gagnon holds a master’s degree in physics and has been working as a field application scientist at Telops since 2005. Specializing in infrared hyperspectral imaging, Jean-Philippe is responsible for conducting field measurement campaigns, carrying out feasibility studies for new instrumentation, executing product requirement tests and providing customer support and training for Telops’ new measurement services.