Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) is a forum of excellence
where researchers, practitioners, and students will present and
discuss their latest findings and results. This event is committed to
introduce innovative methodologies and technological resources
recently employed to investigate the manifold aspects of the urban
environment through orbital and airborne remote sensing data.
The workshop will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from March 5-7, 2017.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
New data & sensors for urban area remote sensing
Structure detection and characterization in urban areas
Algorithms and techniques for remotely sensed data interpretation in urban areas
Algorithms and techniques for urban area applications
Urban climatology, geology, and geohazards
RS applications to social science
RS applications to urban planning and conservation
Urban development and growth pattern
Urban and peri-urban ecology
Full Paper Deadline 10th September 2016
Notification of Acceptance 15th November 2016
Final Paper Deadline 31st December 2016
Early Registration Deadline 10th January 2017