GeoCroissant- A Metadata Framework for Geospatial ML-ready Datasets

GeoCroissant- A Metadata Framework for Geospatial ML-ready Datasets

Webinar Speakers:

Dr. Rajat Shinde, Prof. Elena Simperl


NASA IMPACT – The University of Alabama in Huntsville, King’s College London,

About the Webinar

Croissant is a standardized format engineered to simplify the utilization of ML-ready datasets in ML applications. Croissant facilitates a comprehensive metadata vocabulary based on and seamless integration across diverse ML platforms and repositories, enabling practitioners to incorporate datasets into their workflows with minimal coding. Its modular and extensible design supports integration with common ML tools for data preprocessing, analysis, and labeling. Additionally, Croissant emphasizes Responsible AI (RAI) by addressing critical aspects such as bias mitigation, fairness, and data robustness, thereby promoting ethical AI practices via the Croissant RAI extension

Building upon the foundation of Croissant, GeoCroissant is specifically tailored for geospatial machine learning (Geo-ML) datasets. GeoCroissant format and supporting tools enhance the core Croissant framework by incorporating essential elements into the metadata. It is aimed at addressing unique challenges associated with large-scale geospatial data, including geographical biases and data-centric issues, ensuring responsible AI practices in Earth observation tasks. 

This webinar is aimed at introducing the IEEE GRSS community with a concise overview of both Croissant and GeoCroissant, highlighting their features and applications in ML and geospatial contexts. The session will conclude with a dedicated question and answer segment, providing an opportunity for participants to engage with the speakers and deepen their understanding of these frameworks.

Join us to gain valuable insights into advancing your ML and geospatial projects through standardized and responsible ML-ready data management.




About the Speakers


Recorded Webinar