Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Time: 12-1:15p EDT
Moderator: Rose Rustowicz – @roserustowicz
Ilke Demir – @ilkedemir
Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero
Dalton Lunga – @DaltonLunga
Jake Shermeyer – @JakeShermeyer
Sherrie Wang – @sherwang
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Follow-up: Is there value is using ensemble models?
Join us for a fireside chat focused on the use of deep learning in remote sensing, a domain quite different from the natural image domain that deep learning algorithms are often crafted for. We will dive into how remote sensing and computer scientists have navigated this field within the remote sensing domain, what challenges they’ve encountered along the way, and how they’ve dealt with or overcome them. We’ll be joined by speakers Ilke Demir (Intel), Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero (Maxar), Dalton Lunga (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jake Shermeyer (IQT CosmiQ Works), and Sherrie Wang (Stanford).
Follow-up: Is there value is using ensemble models?
Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero, Maxar Technologies |
Sherrie Wang, Stanford University |
Ilke Demir, Intel Corporation |
Dalton Lunga, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Jake Shermeyer, IQT CosmiQ Works |