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Werner Wiesbeck

GRSS President 2000-2001

Werner Wiesbeck (SM 87, F 94) received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.S.E.E.) and the Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.E.E.) degrees from the Technical University Munich in 1969 and 1972, respectively. From 1972 to 1983 he was with AEG-Telefunken in various positions including that of head of R&D of the Microwave Division in Flensburg and marketing director of Receiver and Direction Finder Division, Ulm. During this period he had product responsibility for mm-wave radars, receivers, direction finders, and electronic warfare systems. From 1983 to 2007 he was the Director of the Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (IHE) at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and he is now a Distinguished Scientist at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Research topics include antennas, wave propagation, Radar, remote sensing, wireless communication, and Ultra Wideband technologies. In 1989 and 1994, respectively, he spent a six-month sabbatical at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena. He is a member of the IEEE GRS-S AdCom (1992-2000), Chairman of the GRS-S Awards Committee (1994 – 1998, 2002 –), Executive Vice President of IEEE GRS-S (1998-1999), President of IEEE GRS-S (2000-2001), Associate Editor IEEE-AP Transactions (1996- 1999), past Treasurer of the IEEE German Section (1987-1996, 2003-2007). He has been General Chairman of the ’88 Heinrich Hertz Centennial Symposium, the ’93 Conference on Microwaves and Optics (MIOP ’93), the Technical Chairman of the International mm-Wave and Infrared Conference 2004, Chairman of the German Microwave Conference GeMIC 2006 and he has been a member of the scientific committees and TPCs of many conferences.

For the Carl Cranz Series for Scientific Education, he serves as a permanent lecturer for Radar systems engineering, wave propagation, and mobile communication network planning. He is a member of an Advisory Committee of the EU – Joint Research Centre (Ispra/Italy), advisor to the German Research Council (DFG), the Federal German Ministry for Research (BMBF), and industry in Germany.

He is the recipient of several awards, lately the IEEE Millennium Award, the IEEE GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award, and three Honorary Doctorates, (Dr. h.c.) (University Budapest/Hungary, University Duisburg/Germany, University Ilmenau/Germany). He received the 2008 IEEE Electromagnetics Award and the 2023 European Microwave Medal. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE, an Honorary Life Member of IEEE GRS-S, a Member of the IEEE Fellow Cmte, a Member of the Heidelberger Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and a Member of the German Academy of Engineering and Technology (acatech). (Date: Jan. 2024)

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