GRSL: Volunteer to be a reviewer

Volunteer to be a reviewer

The IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letter is seeking volunteer reviewers ….

As a member of GRSS, participant in our many IGARSS symposia or reader of GRSL, you are invited to volunteer to serve as a reviewer. We realize that many members may not have the time to contribute papers to the journal, but reviewing a paper on a topic related to your expertise would be a valuable contribution to the advancement of the field. You can identify your particular area(s) of expertise and signify your willingness to serve as a reviewer by registering as a new user on our on-line manuscript central review system accessible at:


Select the “Create New Account” icon and proceed to fill in the on-line form. In the key words box, simply add words of your choosing to describe your areas of expertise. Most important, is your email address. After successfully registering, an email acknowledgement will be sent to you including a default password. At your earliest convenience, you should modify your password to one of your own choosing.

The IEEE-GRSS appreciates your offer to assist in the publication of relevant and useful papers in Geosciences and Remote Sensing. 

Salutation: Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Prof.

First Name:
Middle Name or Initial:
Last Name

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Key Words:

User ID:
(if you choose not to enter an ID, your e-mail address will be used instead)