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Fourth GRSS Student Grand Challenge (SGC)

Fourth IEEE GRSS Student Grand Challenge

The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) is announcing the Fourth GRSS Student Grand Challenge (SGC) which will allow student teams to develop image processing and classification techniques for detection and tracking of whales using spaceborne remote sensing data.

IEEE GRSS is an international professional Society that seeks to engage students and young professionals in contributing to the solution of complex engineering problems within the scope of the Student Grand Challenges. IEEE GRSS has in the past sponsored three previous Student Grand Challenges related to remote sensing based on drones or remotely piloted aircraft systems, and nanosatellites.

Teams willing to participate in the 4th Student Grand Challenge must send a brief description of their mission concept indicating the following detailed information: 

  • Team’s composition 

  • Scientific rationale and feasibility 

  • Development plan 

  • Budget proposal 

Please visit our webpage to learn more about the application and selection process.

If you are interested in participating, please submit your team’s proposal by 15 November to

We hope to receive your proposals soon!