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New TGRS Associate Editors

March 30, 2020

Six new associated editors have been added to the TGRS editorial boards. They are

Chiman KwanDr. Chiman Kwan
Founder and President, Applied Research LLC, Rockville, Maryland
Phone: (C) 240-505-2641
Expertise: Hyperspectral signal processing

Fuzhong WengDr. Fuzhong Weng
Phone: 443-766-0623 (cell)
Expertise: microwave and millimeter wave atmosphere remote sensing

Jiefu ChenDr. Jiefu Chen
University of Houston
Expertise: Electromagnetics for geophysical data

Massimiliano VassalloDr. Massimiliano Vassallo
Schlumberger Geophysical Technology Center
Expertise: Seismic data processing

Stefano TebaldiniDr. Stefano Tebaldini
Politecnico di Milano
Expertise: SAR remote sensing and calibration

Zhongping LeeDr. Zhongping Lee
University of Massachusetts Boston
Expertise: ocean color and ecosystems