The Symposium is open to Proba-V users, scientists, students, representatives from national, European and international agencies, operational end-users and value adding industries.
The Proba-V Symposium intends to address the following objectives:
• Provide an overview on current mission status, data quality and Cal/Val results
• Gather the Proba-V scientific and user community and foster collaboration
• Encourage international collaborations on land, water and cryosphere applications
• Reinforce Proba-V’s role as complement to Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 missions
• Discuss data harmonization and synergy across sensors/missions
• Provide a forum to report results of on-going science activities using Proba-V data
• Promote the use of Proba-V data for downstream operational services
• Consult the user community to formulate recommendations for products improvements
Important Dates
Abstract submission open: 5 October 2017
Deadline abstract submission: 16 November 2017
Notification of acceptance: 1 February 2018
Preliminary Programme on-line: 15 February 2018
Registration open: February 2018
Announcement of keynote speakers: March 2018
Deadline registration: 29 April 2018
Proba-V Symposium: 29 – 31 May 2018