JURSE 2011 intends to be a unique forum for urban remote sensing with respect to the Information Technology and Geoscience community. A continuously increasing amount of multiple sensory data offers opportunities to address new questions and solve existing problems more effectively in urban remote sensing. To exploit the full potential these diverse data sources offer, several questions needs to be investigated, for example how to select the best data sets for different applications and how to implement and exploit the algorithms and procedures developed for single sensor data processing. Another important question is how to combine the information derived from these different sensors, for example on which level should the individually processed data been fused.
The objectives of JURSE 2011 are:
- gathering people coming from industry, academia, local and national/international agencies together to discuss topics related to remote sensing for urban monitoring
- fostering the research and the applications of available data sets over urban areas, with a special consideration for high resolution satellite data and data fusion
- providing new ideas for developing sensors and/or systems able to analyze and monitor urban areas
- improving the knowledge and the know-how by means of the interaction of researchers coming from different communities (town and regional planning, engineering, photogrammetry, geology, hydrology, etc.)
Conference topics
Urban remote sensing includes a wide array of research topics and disciplines, and is emerging as a truly interdisciplinary field. The joint conferences will feature many special sessions with oral and poster components.
- New data & sensors for urban area remote sensing
- Structure detection and characterization in urban areas
- Algorithms and techniques for remotely sensed data interpretation
- Algorithms and techniques for urban area applications
- Urban Climatology, Geology, and Geohazards
- RS Applications to Social Science
- RS Applications to Urban Planning and Conservation
- Urban Development and Growth Pattern
- Urban/Periurban Ecology
Conference Venue
The conference will be held in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, and will be hosted by the Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM). The workshop site is located at TUM, close to the museum district, and in walking distance to the main station and center of Munich.
Joint Conference Chairs
Uwe Stilla Technische Universitatet Muenchen, Germany
Paolo Gamba University of Pavia, Italy
Carsten Juergens Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Derya Maktav Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
EOGC 2011
‘EOGC 2011 – Earth Observation for Global Changes’ will be
held at the same venue on April 13-15, 2011