Operation Manual

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES MANUAL

November 2019

1 Contents

Executive Committee
4.1 Executive Vice President
4.2 Secretary
4.3 Chief Financial Officer
4.4 Vice President of Publications
4.5 Vice President of Professional Activities
4.6 Vice President for Meetings and Symposia
4.7 Vice President of Technical Activities
4.8 Vice President of Information Resources
5.1 Transactions Editor-In-Chief
5.2 GRS Letters Editor-In-Chief
5.3 J-STARS Editor-In-Chief
5.4 Magazine Editor-In-Chief
5.5 Electronic Newsletter Editor
5.6 Procedure for Handling Manuscripts’ Authored by the TGRS, GRSL, and J-STARS Editor-In-Chiefs
5.7 Remote Sensing Code Library
6.1 Director of Education
6.2 Director of Industry Relations
6.3 Director of Government Sector Relations
6.4 Director of Global Activities
6.5 Executive Officer
Standing Committees
7.1 Awards Committees
7.2 Chapters Committee
7.3 Membership Committee
7.4 Constitution and Bylaws Committee
7.5 Operations and Procedures Manual Committee
7.6 History Committee
7.7 Strategic Planning Committee
7.8 Conference Advisory Committee
7.9 Fellows and Senior Member Search Committee
7.10 GRSS Technical Committees
7.11 IGARSS Organizing Committee
7.12 Publicity and Public Relations Committee
7.13 Finance Committee
7.14 Web Editor
7.15 Distinguished Speakers Program
7.16. Nominations Committee
7.17 Regional Liaison Coordinators
7.18 Book Series Editor- tbd (not implemented yet)
7.19 IDEA Committee
7.20 GRSS YP Representative
7.21 GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator
7.22 GRSS Major Awards Search Committee
GRSS AdCom Organization
List of Acronyms
Change Record


This manual has been prepared as a guide for the officers, standing committee chairpersons and representatives of the GRSS Administrative Committee (AdCom) to other IEEE bodies as a means of providing information on the normal operating procedures of the GRS Society. The essential information used to define the duties and responsibilities associated with these offices is derived from the GRSS Constitution and GRSS Bylaws. However, additional functions, procedures and schedules have evolved to enable the smooth operation of the GRSS. Material on these procedures has been combined in this Operations and Procedures Manual with pertinent references to the Constitution and Bylaws to form complete sets of instructions for present and potential future office holders in the GRSS.
Because this manual describes procedures that evolve in practice, it is expected to continually undergo revision as responsibilities change and new procedures are developed, or new offices created. Society office holders are therefore encouraged to recommend changes and additions to the various sections of this manual as necessary on a timely basis. Changes should be submitted to the GRSS Executive Vice President, who will edit the material provided and coordinate the incorporation of such material into the Manual with the GRSS Operations and Procedures Manual Committee.
The GRSS AdCom represents the GRSS Society membership and conducts business for the Society on its behalf. GRSS AdCom members are elected by either the GRSS membership or AdCom for nominal three-year terms.
The Society is governed by the GRSS President. The President is assisted by the GRSS AdCom in conducting the business and in formulating decisions for the Society. AdCom meetings are held regularly, at least twice per year. Between AdCom meetings, decisions that cannot be postponed can be made by the GRSS Executive Committee or by electronic voting.

Revision History:
David Goodenough 1997
James Gatlin 1998
Tom Jackson 1998
Werner Wiesbeck 1998
Kiyo Tomiyasu 2002
Albin J. Gasiewski 2002
Alberto Moreira 2008, 2009
Jon Atli Benediktsson, 2010
Melba Crawford, 2012
Kamal Sarabandi, 2013, 2014
Adriano Camps, 2015, 2016
Paolo Gamba, 2017, 2018
David Kunkee, 2019


3.1.1 Responsibilities of the President

The President manages Society affairs as directed by the AdCom and in accordance with the President’s powers and duties as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. The President is responsible for the protection of Society interests, and represents these interests before all IEEE boards and other IEEE and non-IEEE bodies. Reporting to the President are the Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Executive Vice President, the Vice Presidents, the Directors, the Secretary, and the Chair of the Nominations Committee.

3.1.2 Selection and Term of Office

The President is elected by elected members of the AdCom at an annual (November meeting for a term of one calendar year commencing January 1. The President must be at least a Senior Member grade IEEE member and an elected member of the GRSS AdCom.

3.1.3 Duties of the President

The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society. The President shall:
• Assume office on the first day of January of the President’s term of office each year.
• Provide a photo and bio-sketch to IEEE Headquarters on a timely basis upon election.
• Appoint the GRSS Vice Presidents, the Directors, the Chief Finance Officer, and the Secretary as provided by the Bylaws at the time of the President’s election.
• Provide a list of Society officers to IEEE Headquarters on a timely basis after appointments are made.
• Advise on the appointment of Chairpersons of GRSS Standing and Ad Hoc committees and GRSS representatives to other IEEE bodies.
• Prepare agendas for (jointly with the ExCom), and preside over regular and any Executive or special AdCom meetings during the calendar year.
• Oversee inter-societal activities and international liaisons
• Together with the CFO, approve payments for authorized requests
• Appoint the Nominations Committee before February 1st of each year.
• Coordinate the tasks and activities of the Society’s Executive Officer
• Represent GRSS in communications with IEEE TAB, RAB and the Division IX Director, as well as with Presidents of other Societies.
• Preside during the opening ceremony and Awards Banquet at GRSS International Symposia.
• Assemble a year-end President’s Report for the TAB Chairperson
• Write and edit the President’s column for GRSS Magazine
• Serve as a voting member of the IEEE TAB.
• Attend Division IX meetings.
• Attend the Society/Council President’s Forum.
• Approve formation of new GRSS chapters.
• Represent the GRSS at international remote sensing conferences.
• Revise and sign, upon approval by the AdCom, MoUs with technical and scientific societies and associations that are deemed important for the Society.
• Each year, by September 30 and/or on TAB request, designate a position by title, the incumbent of which will serve as an alternate to attend TAB meetings in the absence of the President.
• Transfer to the succeeding President all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of the term in office.

3.1.4 References

Constitution: VI.3- 5; VI.8-11; VI.14; VII.3; X.2 Bylaws: I.1; I.3;II.1; II.3-18; II.22; III.1; III.5-6; III.8; IV.2; IV.6; IV.16; V.1-2

3.1.5 President’s Schedule

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Committee Appointments           x
Prepare AdCom Meeting Agenda    x   x  x

Attend IEEE TAB and

President’s Council Meetings

 x   x    x 
Write President’s Column for Magazine x  x  x  x 
Year end TAB report           x
Attend Division IX meetingsAs scheduled



4.1.1 Responsibilities of the Executive Vice President

The Executive Vice President supports the goals and objectives of the Society and assists the President in these activities. Reporting to the Executive Vice President are the Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, the Chair of the Operations and Procedures Manual Committee, and the Chair of the Finance Committee. The Executive Vice President serves as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. In terms of activities, the Executive Vice President serves an apprenticeship to the position of President.

4.1.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Executive Vice President is elected by the voting members of the AdCom at the annual (November) meeting for a term of one calendar year. Nominations are as per Section II.1 of the Bylaws. The Executive Vice President must be at a GRSS IEEE member level and an elected member of the GRSS Administrative Committee.

4.1.3 Duties of the Executive Vice President

• Assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties.
• Attend IEEE TAB meetings with the President.
• Perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President.
• Chair the Strategic Planning Committee.
• Provide advice to the President on the appointment of GRSS Committee officers.
• Prepare reports on AdCom planning activities for publication in the Newsletter.
• Submit reports on the Constitution and Bylaws.
• Arrange distribution of Society Constitution, Bylaws, and Operation and Procedures Manuals as needed.
• Transfer to the succeeding Executive Vice President all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.
• Assume office on the first day of January of the Executive Vice President’s term of office each year.
• Manage the procedure for selection and monitoring or proposals and projects under the 3% and 50% rule according to Section 4.1.4

4.1.4 3% and 50% rule proposals and projects

For each year the Society qualifies to spend up to 3% of its reserves according to IEEE Financial Operation Budget, Section 2.B.6.d.2.i [“In each year when the IEEE Reserves, as of 31 December of the preceding year, exceed the Lower Reserves Target (per FOM 4.C), each major organizational unit with an otherwise balanced budget, whose reserve to expense ratio exceeds 50%, shall be permitted to budget up to 1% of the three year rolling average of its year-end reserves for inclusion in the subsequent budget cycle.”], the EVP is responsible for collecting proposals from the VPs and Directors by late May. These proposals shall be new initiatives, with a limited time span of one to three years, connected to the actions selected in the previous years’ Strategic Planning Meeting.
The proposals shall be evaluated, revised and ultimately dispositioned by the GRSS President, the EVP, and the CFO. The approved proposals will be presented during the July AdCom meeting, and included in the first round of the budget forecast for the following year, usually in late June. After revision and/or disposition by IEEE TAB in November, the remaining proposals shall be implemented into projects, whose expenses shall be costed in the following year. The EVP shall be responsible for monitoring the projects, while all expenses shall be approved by the GRSS President and CFO.
For each year the Society qualifies to spend up to 50% of its preceding year’s operational surplus according to IEEE Financial Operation Budget, Section 2.B.6.e [“Provided the IEEE Reserves, as of 31 December of the preceding year, exceed the Lower Reserves Target (per FOM 4.C), each major organizational unit whose reserve to expense ratio for such year exceeds 50% shall be allowed to use up to 50% of its preceding year’s operational surplus (excluding investment returns) as part of the forecasting process.”], the EVP is responsible for collecting proposals from the VPs and Directors as early as January 1st, and no later than mid February. These proposals shall be new initiative activities of a general nature, with a limited time span of one to three years. They shall be evaluated, revised and ultimately dispositioned by the GRSS President, the EVP, and the CFO. The approved proposals will be presented during the March AdCom Meeting, and immediately included in the current annual budget forecast. The approved proposals will be implemented into projects, whose activities shall be completed during the current year. The EVP shall be responsible for monitoring the projects, while all expenses shall be approved by the GRSS President and CFO.

4.1.5 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.11; VI.14 Bylaws: II.1; II.7; III.1; III.5; III.7-8; IV.6; IV.9; V.1-2

4.1.6 Executive Vice President’s Schedule

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Advise on Committee Appointments           x
Advise on AdCom Meeting Agenda    x   x  x

Attend IEEE TAB and

President’s Council Meetings

(as required by GRSS President)

 x   x    x 
Year end TAB report           x
Attend Division IX meetingsAs scheduled


4.2.1 Responsibilities of the Secretary

The GRSS AdCom Secretary is responsible for recording and distribution of AdCom minutes, and related documents. The Secretary coordinates with the Society Executive Officer regarding archiving and distribution of intra and inter Society correspondences, electronic files, rosters, and related documents.

4.2.2 Selection and Term of Office

The incoming President shall submit to the members of the AdCom the name of a proposed Secretary for appointment. If the majority of the members of the AdCom do not object within 30 days from the date of oral submission or mailing said submission, the appointment shall become final. If a majority of the voting members of the AdCom object, a new name or names must be submitted on a timely basis. The incumbent Secretary shall remain in office until a successor is appointed and arranges to take over the office. The Secretary will maintain all files and records for the AdCom and will prepare minutes of all AdCom meetings on a timely basis.

4.2.3 Duties of the Secretary

• Assist the President in the preparation of the AdCom agendas, in the roll call and other logistical operations of the AdCom meeting.
• Have available, during AdCom meetings, the minutes for all AdCom meetings held during the prior year.
• Arrange distribution of any modifications to the roster of AdCom members, Standing and Technical Committee Chairmen, and Co-Chairmen, Technical Subcommittee Chairmen, and Chapter Chairmen.
• Maintain the accuracy and completeness of the “extended” AdCom mailing list.
• Prepare and write the minutes of all AdCom meetings during the Secretary’s term and arrange for timely distribution to the “extended” AdCom electronic mailing list.
• The Secretary shall make such reports of activities as may be required by the AdCom, Technical Activities Board or the IEEE bylaws.
• Provide the IEEE TAB copies of the AdCom minutes on an annual basis.
• Transfer to the succeeding Secretary all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

4.2.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.7; VI.14; VIII.1 Bylaws: II.3; II.24-25; III.1-2

4.2.5 Secretary’s Schedule

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Distribute Minutes  x    x   x


4.3.1 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for preparing an annual budget, for receiving requests for disbursement of GRSS funds, for receiving said disbursement from IEEE Headquarters, for managing the society’s working relationship with the IEEE Technical Activities Department (TAD) finance group, and for providing regular reports to the AdCom on the financial status of the society.

4.3.2 Selection and Term of Office

The incoming President shall submit to the members of the AdCom the name of a proposed Chief Financial Officer for appointment. If the majority of the members of the AdCom do not object within 30 days from the date of oral submission or mailing said submission, the appointment shall become final. If a majority of the voting members of the AdCom object, a new name or names must be submitted on a timely basis. The incumbent Chief Financial Officer shall remain in office until a successor is appointed and arranges to assume the responsibilities of the office.

4.3.3 Duties of the Chief Financial Officer

• Formulate the Society’s annual budget and prepare draft budgets for review and approval by the President and the AdCom. These budgets will be submitted prior to TAB’s approval of budgets and page rates.
• Attend one TAB finance meeting per year at IEEE Headquarters.
• Prepare financial reports for the GRSS AdCom.
• Provide regular reports on the investments of the Society and its reserves.
• Together with the GRSS President, approve payments for authorized requests. Send permission to pay said bills to IEEE Headquarters.
• Perform other duties the President may assign. Manage the society’s working relationship with the IEEE/TAB finance group.
• Facilitate/approve the IEEE’s reimbursement of society members for incurred expenses with support of the society’s Executive Officer.
• Facilitate/approve IEEE loans to IGARSS organizing committees.
• Transfer to the succeeding Chief Financial Officer all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

4.3.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.8; VI.11-14 Bylaws: II.4; III.1

4.3.5 Schedule for the Chief Financial Officer

• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Prepare GRSS budget spreadsheets for current year.
• Complete all of the Society’s previous year’s financial actions prior to the Jan.31st closing date.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Review FM13 financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous year.
• Provide to President and Executive VP an estimate of available 50% initiative spending budget for current year.
• Prepare financial report for March AdCom meeting including detailed expense reporting for ExCom.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Attend March AdCom meeting.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Review FM14 previous year financial data prepared by the IEEE and contact IEEE to resolve any outstanding discrepancies.
• Attend the IEEE TAB Treasurer’s Workshop.
• Submit current year 50% initiatives to IEEE (if approved).
• Respond to IEEE TAB requests for following year page budgets of the technical journals in consultation with the VP of Publications and the journal Editors in Chief.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Review and submit the Society’s Renewal Product Offerings for the following year for publications and membership.
• Review the current year’s GRSS summary financial data and respond to IEEE request for a Forecast Update.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• In consultation with the GRSS Finance Committee review following year target budget provided by IEEE and provide first pass response.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Prepare financial report for July AdCom meeting including detailed expense reporting for ExCom.
• Attend the July AdCom meeting at IGARSS.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Review the current year’s GRSS summary financial data and respond to IEEE request for a Forecast Update.
• In consultation with the GRSS Finance Committee review following year revised budget provided by IEEE and provide second pass response.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Prepare financial report for November AdCom meeting including detailed expense reporting for ExCom.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Attend the November AdCom meeting.
• Review the current year’s GRSS summary financial data and respond to IEEE request for a Forecast Update.
• Review financial reports prepared by IEEE for previous month and work to resolve any discrepancies.
• Receive from IEEE final approved budget (including 3% initiatives) for following year.

Review IEEE Financial Reportsxxxxxxxxxxxx
Update Expense Spending Reports x    x  x  
Prepare Reports to Society AdCom x    x  x  
Attend AdCom Meetings  x   x   x 
Attend TAB Treasurer Workshop   x        
Submit Current Year 50% Initiatives to TAB   x        
Support TAB Quarterly Budget Forecasting    x  x  x 
Review and Submit to TAB Journal Page Counts for Following Year   x        
Review and Submit to TAB Following Year Renewal Product Offering Spreadsheets    x       
Submit to TAB Following Year Budget     x x    
Submit to TAB Following Year 3% Requests     x      
Receive Approval for Following Year Budget and 3% Requests           x


4.4.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President of Publications

The Vice President of Publications is responsible for the technical publications of the society and for preparing reports for the AdCom. Reporting to the Vice President of Publication are the Editor of the Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), the Editor of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), the Editor of Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing (J-STARS), the Editor of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM), the Book Series Editor, the Journal of Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (J-MASS) Steering Committee.

4.4.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Vice President of Publications must be an elected member of AdCom, and is appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year.

4.4.3 Duties of Vice President of Publications

• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on the TGRS, the GRSL, the J-STARS, the GRSM, the Book Series, and the J-MASS.
• Coordinate with the J-MASS Steering Committee, and nominate the GRSS representatives in that Committee, subject to approval by the AdCom.
• Coordinate with the required Director(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Vice President of Publications all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term of office.

4.4.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.11-13 Bylaws: II.9; II.15-18; III.1

4.4.5 Schedule for Vice President of Publications

• Attend Feb./March AdCom meeting.
• Attend the IEEE/TAB Editors’ Workshop, coordinating with the GRSS Transactions Editor,
the Letters Editor and the J-STARS Editor on issues to be discussed at the workshop.
• Attend the July AdCom meeting at IGARSS.
• Attend the Nov. AdCom meeting.

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
TAB Editors’ Workshops   x        


4.5.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President of Professional Activities

Reporting to the Vice President for Professional Activities are: the Chairs of the Awards Committees, the Chapter Committee Chair, the Distinguished Speakers Program Chair, the Chair of the Fellows Evaluation Committee, the Chair of the Fellows and Senior Member Search Committee, the Membership Chair, the IDEA Chair, the YP Activities Chair, the Student Chapter Coordinator, and the Major Award Search Committee Chair. Appointment of these Committee Chairs is done jointly by the Vice President of Professional Activities and the President. The Vice President of Professional Activities will provide regular reports to the AdCom on the satisfaction of the members with respect to the AdCom’s meeting their needs on professional and educational activities.

4.5.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Vice President of Professional Activities must be an elected member of AdCom, and is appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year.

4.5.3 Duties of Vice President of Professional Activities

• Responsible for membership expansion and retention
• Implement and manage approaches for promoting GRSS members (membership promotion)
• Supervise regular reports on Membership, the IDEA Committee, the Awards Committees, the Fellow and Senior Member Search, the Fellow Evaluation Committee, Chapter Activities, the Distinguished Speakers Program.
• Supervise regular reports to the AdCom on the search for GRSS candidates for Fellows and on the evaluation of Fellows.
• Provide reports on activities to strengthen education within the disciplines of the Society including Young Professionals (YP) membership.
• Oversee the YP program and coordinate with YP representative
• Co-Chair the Technical Committee and Chapters luncheon at IGARSS conferences if the Technical Chapter Chair is not available.
• Coordinate with the required Director(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Vice President of Professional Activities all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

4.5.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.11-13 Bylaws: II.8, III.1; IV.3-5; IV.11-12

4.5.5 Schedule for Vice President of Professional Activities

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Supervise Membership Reports x    x   x 
Prepare Newsletter Reports x    x   x 
Supervise Awards Reports x    x   x 
Supervise Chapters Reports x    x   x 
Supervise Distinguished Speakers Program Reports x    x   x 
Supervise Fellows Search Reports x    x   x 
Supervise Fellows Evaluation Reports x    x   x 
Prepare Regional Liaison reports x    x     
Prepare Book Series Report x    x     
Prepare Reports on Education x    x   x 
Supervise Reports on YP activities x    x   x 
Supervise Reports on IDEA x    x   x 


4.6.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President for Meetings and Symposia

Reporting to the Vice President for Meetings and Symposia are: the Chairperson of the Conference Advisory Committee, the General Chairpersons of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposia (IGARSS), the IGARSS Facilitator, and the Chairpersons of GRSS Specialty Symposia.

4.6.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Vice President for Meetings and Symposia must be an elected member of AdCom, and is appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year.

4.6.3 Duties of Vice President for Meetings and Symposia

• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on the estimated financial status and progress of approved international symposia and specialty symposia.
• Ensure that presentations to the AdCom for new conference locations provide sufficient details with respect to facilities, budgets, scientific program, and organization.
• Submit proposals for support to regular sponsors of IGARSS and submit post conference reports to sponsors.
• Oversee negotiation and signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) between GRSS and IGARSS Organizing Committees.
• Oversee the negotiation of the annual contract of the IGARSS Facilitator.
• Work with the IGARSS Facilitator and current and potential IGARSS Organizing Committees as needed to insure the overall success of each IGARSS.
• Chair the half-day meeting of symposia chairpersons, which usually takes place immediately prior to each AdCom meeting.
• Provide reports on the financial success of each past IGARSS until the conferences are closed.
• Facilitate activities of the Conference Advisory Committee.
• Oversee conference Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for speciality symposia.
• Coordinate with the required Director(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Vice President for Meetings and Symposia all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

4.6.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.11-13 Bylaws: II.10; III.1; III.7; IV.10

4.6.5 Schedule for Vice President for Meetings and Symposia

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare IGARSS Reports x    x   x 
Presentations for New Conferences x    x   x 
Chair IGARSS AdCom Meetings x    x   x 
IGARSS Sponsor ProposalsAs Needed
IGARSS MOUAnnually after approval of IGARSS
IGARSS CoordinationAs Needed


4.7.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President of Technical Activities

Reporting to the Vice President of Technical Activities are: the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the Society’s Technical Committees, the Society’s liaisons to the following IEEE-USA Government Relations Policy Committees: Committee on Communications Policy, Committee on Transportation and Aerospace Policy, Energy Policy Committee, and Research and Development Policy Committee; the Society’s representative to the IEEE Standards Committee, to any applicable Standards Development Committee, and to the International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 211 (ISO TC-211).

4.7.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Vice President of Technical Activities must be an elected member of AdCom, and is appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year.

4.7.3 Duties of Vice President of Technical Activities

• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on the Technical Committees reporting to the Vice President for Technical Activities. Presently these Technical Committees are: Image Analysis and Data Fusion, Earth Science Informatics, Instrumentation and Future Technologies, Frequency Allocations in Remote Sensing, International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy, Modeling in Remote Sensing, and GRSS Standards for Earth Observations.
• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on the following IEEE-USA Government Relations Policy Committees: Committee on Communications Policy, Committee on Transportation and Aerospace Policy, Energy Policy Committee, and Research and Development Policy Committee.
• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on the IEEE Standards Committee, any applicable Standards Development Committee, and the International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 211 (ISO TC-211).
• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on other relevant IEEE committees
• Ensure that presentations to the AdCom for these committees include their accomplishments, their membership, and their recommendations to the AdCom.
• Oversee the biennial election of TC chairs and ensure efficient transition of TC leadership.
• Ensure that each Technical Committee makes regular progress on the development of a respective TC special sessions at each IGARSS.
• Co-Chair the Technical Committee and Chapter Chairs event at each IGARSS conference.
• Coordinate with the required Director(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Revise and update the Technical Committees Operation Manual.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Vice President of Technical Activities all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

4.7.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.11-13 Bylaws: II.11; III.1

4.7.5 Schedule for Vice President of Technical Activities

AdCom meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Technical Committee reports x    x   x 
Oversee TC elections (every other year)   xx       
Oversee TC IGARSS Special Session developmentxxX     xxxx
Prepare Communications Policy Committee reports x    x   x 
Prepare Transportation and Aerospace Policy Committee reports x    x   x 
Prepare Energy Policy Committee reports x    x   x 
Prepare Research and Development Policy Committee reports x    x   x 
Prepare Standards Committee reports x    x   x 
Co-Chair TC and Chapter Chairs event      x     


4.8.1 Responsibilities of the Vice President of Information Resources

The Vice President of Information Resources is responsible for the management of the communication:
• Within GRSS: among the AdCom through the website, and with the Society members through the website and the Newsletter, and
• Outside GRSS by marketing and advertising business opportunities associated with, among others, the Society’s conferences, relations with industry, education opportunities, publicity and PACE by means of the Industry and GRSS Electronic Newsletter, and the website, as official means of communication of GRSS.
The Vice President of Information Resources reports to the President and will provide regular reports to the AdCom on internal/external communication, marketing, advertisement, and public relationships and related activities.

4.8.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Vice President of Information Resources must be an elected member of AdCom, and is appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year.

4.8.3 Duties of Vice President of Information Resources

• Attend and report at AdCom meetings.
• Develop effective communication means within the Society (AdCom and members at large) and external to the Society.
• Perform and develop new marketing initiatives for the Society.
• Supervise Web and social media activities
• Coordinate with the required Director(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Oversee the Society’s History in coordination with the History Committee and Executive Vice President.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Vice President of Information Resources all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

4.8.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.11-13 Bylaws: II.12-14; II.18; III.1; IV.8

4.8.5 Schedule for Vice President of Information Resources

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Communication ManagementAs necessary



5.1.1 Responsibilities of the Transactions Editor-in-Chief

The GRSS Transactions Editor-in-Chief (EIC) maintains the highest possible quality of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing as an archival journal. The Transactions EIC oversees the regular publication of each issue, and has primary responsibility for all regular issues. The Transactions EIC is responsible for assignment to an Associate Editor (AE) and the subsequent paper review in addition to the organization and publication of each issue of the Transactions. Final decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts, are the responsibility of the Transactions EIC. The EIC shall appoint or remove technical area AEs as required, subject to ratification by the AdCom. Each AE is appointed for three years, renewable for three more years. The Transactions EIC must be a member of the Society.

5.1.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Transactions EIC, if not an Elected Member of the AdCom, must be a GRSS member and shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the AdCom with voting privileges and shall be nominated by the Vice President for Publication, appointed by the President, and ratified by the AdCom. If more than one candidate is nominated, the Transactions EIC shall be selected by majority vote of the AdCom. The Transactions EIC shall normally serve a three-year term. The term may be renewed at the discretion of the AdCom for an additional two-year term. In the event that the EIC cannot fulfill the assigned duties, the Vice President for Publications shall appoint an Acting Editor until a replacement is found.

5.1.3 Duties of the Transactions Editor-in-Chief

• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Publications on such issues as the number of pages and manuscripts published, efficiency of the review process, page charges recovered, and letters of praise or complaints received.
• Attend and report on Transactions activity at each AdCom meeting.
• Ensure that the journal serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Attend IEEE meetings held for the benefit of journal editors (i.e. IEEE Panel of Editors).
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding EIC all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

5.1.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.14; IX.-1 Bylaws: II.9; II.16

5.1.5 Schedule for the Transactions Editor

AdCom Meetings x(x)   X   x 
Prepare Reports x    X   x 
January TGARS Issuex           
February TGARS Issue x          
March TGARS Issue  X         
April TGARS Issue   x        
May TGARS Issue    x       
June TGARS Issue     x      
July TGARS Issue      X     
August TGARS Issue       x    
September TGARS Issue        x   
October TGARS Issue         x  
November TGARS Issue          x 
December TGARS Issue           x
Special TGARS IssueAs necessary


5.2.1 Responsibilities of the GRS Letters Editor-in-Chief

The GRS (Geoscience and Remote Sensing) Letters EIC maintains the highest possible quality of the GRS Letters as a timely archival publication of the GRSS. The GRS Letters Editor oversees the regular on-line publication of each issue, and has overall responsibilities for the content for regular issues. The GRS Letters EIC is responsible for assignment to an Associate Editor (AE) and the subsequent paper review in addition to the organization and publication of each issue. The GRS Letters EIC shall appoint or remove technical area AEs as required, subject to ratification by the AdCom. Each AE is appointed for three years, renewable for three more years. The GRS Letters EIC must be a member of the Society.

5.2.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The GRS Letters EIC, if not an Elected Member of the AdCom, must be a GRSS member and shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the AdCom with voting privileges and shall be nominated by the Vice President for Publications, appointed by the President and ratified by the Administrative Committee. If more than one candidate is nominated, the GRS Letters EIC shall be selected by majority vote of the AdCom. The GRS Letters EIC shall normally serve a three-year term. The term may be renewed at the discretion of the AdCom for an additional two-year term. In the event that the GRS Letters EIC cannot fulfill the assigned duties, the Vice President for Publications shall appoint an Acting EIC until a replacement is found.

5.2.3 Duties of the GRS Letters Editor-in-Chief

• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Publications on such issues as the number of pages and Letters published, efficiency of the review process, page charges recovered, and letters of praise or complaints received.
• Attend and report on GRS Letters activity at each AdCom meeting.
• Ensure that the Letters serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Attend IEEE meetings held for the benefit of journal editors (i.e. IEEE Panel of Editors).
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding EIC all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

5.2.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.14; IX.-1 Bylaws: II.9; II.17

5.2.5 Schedule for the GRS Letters Editor

AdCom meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare reports x    x   x 
January GRSL Issuex           
February GRSL ssue x          
March GRSL Issue  x         
April GRSL Issue   x        
May GRSL Issue    x       
June GRSL Issue     x      
July GRSL Issue      x     
Ausgust GRSL Issue       x    
September GRSL issue        X   
October GRSL issue         x  
November GRSL issue          x 
December GRSL issue           x


5.3.1 Responsibilities of the J-STARS Editor-in-Chief

The J-STARS (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing) Editor-in-Chief maintains the highest possible quality of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing as an archival journal. J-STARS EIC oversees the regular publication of each issue, and has primary overall responsibilities for regular issues. The J-STARS EIC has secondary responsibility for special issues which are the primary responsibility of the guest editor(s). The J-STARS EIC is responsible for assignment to an Associate Editor (AE) and the subsequent paper review in addition to the organization and publication of each issue of J-STARS. The J-STARS EIC shall appoint or remove technical area AEs as required, subject to ratification by the AdCom. Each AE is appointed for three years, renewable for three more years. The J-STARS EIC must be a member of the Society.

5.3.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The J-STARS EIC, if not an Elected Member of the AdCom, must be a GRSS member and shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the AdCom with voting privileges and shall be nominated by the Vice President for Publications, appointed by the President and ratified by the Administrative Committee. If more than one candidate is nominated, the J-STARS EIC shall be selected by majority vote of the AdCom. The J-STARS EIC shall normally serve a three-year term. The term may be renewed at the discretion of the AdCom once for an additional two-year term. In the event that the J-STARS Letters EIC cannot fulfill the assigned duties, the Vice President for Publications shall appoint an Acting EIC until a replacement is found.

5.3.3 Duties of the J-STARS Editor

• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Publication on such issues as the number of pages and manuscripts published, efficiency of the review process, page charges recovered, and letters of praise or complaints received.
• Attend and report on J-STARS activity at each AdCom meeting.
• Ensure that the journal serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Attend IEEE meetings held for the benefit of journal editors (i.e. IEEE Panel of Editors).
• Transfer to the succeeding Editor-in-Chief all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

5.3.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.14; IX.-1 Bylaws: II.9; II.18

5.3.5 Schedule for the J-STARS Editor

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports x    x   x 
Monthly J-STARS Issuesxxxxxxxxxxxx
Special J-STARS IssuesAs necessary


5.4.1 Responsibilities of the Magazine Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE GRSS Magazine collects current information for four issues per year of the Magazine. Information must be timely and highlight events/topics of interest to GRSS members. Articles of both technical and human interest must be considered. The EIC supervises Magazine production activities for cost effectiveness and timeliness. The Magazine EIC must ensure that all logistics for disseminating the Magazine are coordinated with the most current GRSS membership listing. The Magazine EIC shall appoint or remove technical/geographical area Associate Magazine Editors as required, subject to ratification by the AdCom. Each AE is appointed for three years, renewable for three more years. The Magazine EIC is expected to attend AdCom meetings. The Magazine EIC will provide regular reports to the Vice President for Information Resources on the number of pages and articles published, delays incurred, charges recovered, and praise or complaints received.

5.4.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Magazine Editor shall be an Ex-Officio member of the GRSS AdCom with voting privileges. The Magazine Editor-in-Chief must be a GRSS member and shall be nominated by the Vice President of Publications, appointed by the President, and ratified by the AdCom. The Magazine EIC must be a member of the Society. The Magazine EIC shall normally serve a three-year term. The term may be renewed once for an additional two-year term at the discretion of the AdCom. In the event that the Magazine EIC cannot fulfil the assigned duties, the Vice President for Publications shall appoint an Acting Magazine EIC until a replacement is found.

5.4.3 Duties of the Magazine Editor-in-Chief

• Supervise Magazine activities for cost effectiveness and timeliness.
• Stimulate the submission of technical contributions and reports on events/topics of interest to GRSS members to the Magazine.
• Coordinate and schedule all inputs, including reviewing, editing, and proofing all articles.
• Make the best efforts to meet publication schedule according to the format shown in the table below.
• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Publications on such issues as the number of pages and articles published, delays incurred, charges recovered, and letters of praise or complaints received.
• Attend and report at AdCom meetings.
• Ensure that the Magazine serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Attend IEEE meetings held to bring the editors of magazines and newsletters together.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Magazine EIC all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

5.4.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.14; IX.-1 Bylaws: II.9; II.19

5.4.5 Schedule for the Magazine Editor

March Issue  x         
June Issue     x      
September Issue        x   
December Issue           x
Each publishing cycle consists of the following activities: 
ActivityWeeks Relative to Publication Date
Letter of Request to Authorsx        
Second Letter of Request to Authors x       
Final Letter of Request to Authors  x      
Typesetting   x     
All Input Materials to Printer   x     
Finalize First Set of Articles    x    
Review Recent Inputs    x    
Proofing Complete; Draft Layout Available     x   
Verify Photos and Captions     x   
Print      x  
Distribute        x


5.5.1 Responsibilities of the Electronic Newsletter Editor

The Electronic Newsletter Editor (ENE) collects current information for four issues per year of the Newsletter. Information must be timely and highlight events/topics of interest to GRSS members. The Editor supervises Newsletter production activities for cost effectiveness and timeliness. The Newsletter Editor must ensure that all logistics for disseminating the Newsletter are coordinated with the most current GRSS membership listing. The ENE is expected to attend AdCom meetings. The ENE will provide regular reports to the Vice President for Information Resources on the number of pages and articles published, delays incurred, charges recovered, and feedback from members.

5.5.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Electronic Newsletter Editor shall be an Ex-Officio member of the GRSS AdCom without vote, unless the editor is an Elected Member. The ENE must be a GRSS member and shall be nominated by the Vice President for Information Resources, appointed by the President, and ratified by the AdCom. The Newsletter Editor must be a member of the Society. The Newsletter Editor shall normally serve a three-year term. The term may be renewed once for an additional two-year term at the discretion of the AdCom. In the event that the ENE cannot fulfil the assigned duties, the Vice President for Information Resources shall appoint an Acting Electronic Newsletter Editor until a replacement is found.

5.5.3 Duties of the Electronic Newsletter Editor

• Supervise Newsletter activities for cost effectiveness and timeliness.
• Stimulate the submission of technical contributions and reports on events/topics of interest to GRSS members to the Newsletter.
• Coordinate and schedule all inputs, including reviewing, editing, and proofing all articles.
• Coordinate with the Web Editor for on-line publication of the Newsletter.
• Make the best efforts to meet publication schedule according to the format shown in the table below.
• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Information Resources on such issues as the number of pages and articles published, delays incurred, charges recovered, and letters of praise or complaints received.
• Attend and report at AdCom meetings.
• Ensure that the Electronic Newsletter serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Attend IEEE meetings held to bring the editors of magazines and newsletters together.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding ENE all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

5.5.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.14; IX.-1 Bylaws: II.12; II.20

5.5.5 Schedule for the Electronic Newsletter Editor

March Issue  X         
June Issue     x      
September Issue        x   
December Issue           x


In the following the procedure for handling of manuscripts authored by the TGRS, GRSL, or J-STARS EICs and submitted to their respective publication is described. All GRSS journals (TGRS, GRSL and J-STARS) fully comply with the IEEE rules both for special and regular issues. The procedure is summarized as follows: If an EIC is co-author of a paper submitted to their respective publication, it is handled by the EIC of another journal of the GRSS. In this case, the substitute EIC serves as the Editor of the paper and assigns the paper to an AE of the editorial board who conducts the review process. Upon receiving a recommendation from the AE, the substitute Editor makes the decision. The current EIC has no role in the review process and is actually blinded from seeing more information on the paper than any other author in the MC system. In case that a paper authored or co-authored by a Guest Editor of a Special Issue is submitted to the same Special Issue, the Editor will assign the paper to an AE of the editorial board (and not to another Guest Editor). This AE remains anonymous to the Guest Editor (including the omission of the AE name in the excel work book table which includes all the papers submitted to that Special Issue). The Guest Editor has no role in the review process and is actually blinded from seeing more information on the paper than any other author in the MC system. The Editor or EIC make the final decision upon receiving a recommendation from the AE. In case of acceptance, this paper is integrated into the Special Issue and the Guest Editor produces a Table of Contents including the authored/co-authored paper.


The Remote Sensing Code Library (RSCL) of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society is an online repository with downloadable software codes hosted and maintained at the RSCL, and links to software codes hosted at institutions interested in promoting the application of remote sensing data. Downloadable software codes hosted and maintained at RSCL and executable software codes hosted and maintained at the authors’ institutions will carry DOIs for reference and citation. Software codes can be instrument or application-related (either forward or inverse problems), they can be in executable format only, or as downloadable source code, and will be organized by frequency range, sensor type, and application.

5.7.1 Responsibilities of the Remote Sensing Code Library Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the IEEE GRSS RSCL collects software codes during the whole year for publication in the RSCL web page. Software must be of interest to GRSS members. The EIC supervises the RSCL revision/validation process of the software. The RSCL EIC shall appoint or remove technical/geographical area Associate Editors as required, subject to ratification by the AdCom. Associate Editors which will handle the revision process as for any other GRSS publication. The RSCL EIC is expected to attend AdCom meetings. The RSCL EIC will provide regular reports to the Vice President for Technical Activities on the number and quality of the software codes published, and praise or complaints received.

5.7.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The RSCL EIC shall be an Ex-Officio member of the GRSS AdCom without voting privileges. The RSCL EIC must be a GRSS member and shall be nominated by the Vice President of Technical Activities, appointed by the President, and ratified by the AdCom. The RSCL EIC must be a member of the Society. The RSCL EIC shall normally serve a three-year term. The term may be renewed once for an additional two-year term at the discretion of the AdCom. In the event that the RCSL EIC cannot fulfil the assigned duties, the Vice President for Technical Activities shall appoint an Acting RSCL EIC until a replacement is found.

5.7.3 Duties of the RSCL Editor-in-Chief

• Supervise RSCL activities for cost effectiveness and timeliness.
• Stimulate the submission of software code contributions of interest to GRSS members through periodic calls in the eNewsletter.
• Coordinate and schedule all inputs, including reviewing, and proofing all codes.
• Make the best efforts to reduce publication delays.
• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Technical Activities on such issues as the number and quality of software codes published, and letters of praise or complaints received.
• Attend and report at AdCom meetings as requested by the Vice President for Technical Activities
• Ensure that the RSCL serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding RSCL EIC all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

5.7.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-4; VI.14; IX.-1 Bylaws: II.11; II.21

5.7.5 Schedule for the RSCL Editor

Continuous publicationxxxxxxxxxxxx



6.1.1 Responsibilities of the Education Director

The Education Director is responsible for overseeing the development of the Society’s strategic direction for educational activities, creation of educational videos, web pages, and publications related to the Society’s technical areas of interest, the GRSS Summer School held in conjunction with IGARSS, and the IGARSS travel merit scholarships. The Director of Education will create such committees as are required to ensure progress in these areas. The Director of Education reports to the President and will provide regular reports to the AdCom on these activities. The Director of Education also coordinates with the VP for Professional Activities on activities related to professional education.

6.1.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Director of Education, if not an elected member of the AdCom, shall be an Ex-Officio member of AdCom without vote, is a Society member, and is appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year and reports to the President.

6.1.3 Duties of the Director of Education

• Provide regular reports to the AdCom on the committees reporting to the Education Director.
• Ensure that presentations to the AdCom for these committees include their accomplishments, their membership, and their recommendations to the AdCom.
• Oversee the creation of educational videos, web pages, webinars, and publications related to the Society’s technical area of interest as part of the GRSS Resource Center.
• Maintain a directory of remote sensing and geoscience education in all regions.
• Oversee the IGARSS travel scholarship selection process and coordinate scholarships, fellowships, and grants-in-aid, updating and revising the Travel Grant Manual.
• Oversee the GRSS Summer School that is hold in conjunction with IGARSS.
• Conduct programs that encourage interest in remote sensing and geoscience education, e.g. environmental sensors and information systems paper contests, etc.
• Carry out collaborative efforts with IGARSS Education and Outreach sessions, GOLD representatives, and the Distinguished Speakers program.
• Represent GRSS at the IEEE-Educational Activities Board Technical Activities Advisory Committee (EAB-TAAC).
• Provide information on remote sensing and geoscience education and continuing education related issues to AdCom and Society members.
• Act on educational issues and topics as directed by AdCom.
• Appoint subcommittee-chairmen for educational activities as needed.
• Coordinate with the required VP(s) in whatever activities/initiatives the society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Education Director all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

6.1.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.9, VI.11-14 Bylaws: II.15

6.1.5 Schedule for the Education Director

Student Prize Paperxxx   x   xx
Travel Merit Grants xx   x     
AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
EAB Meeting     x     x


6.2.1 Responsibilities of the Director of Industry Relations

The Director of Industry Relations is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the relationship between GRSS and private sector organizations involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities. The Director of Industry Relations reports to the President and will provide regular reports to the AdCom on these activities.

6.2.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Director of Industry Relations, if not an elected Member of the AdCom, shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the AdCom without voting privileges. The Director of Industry Relations must be a GRSS member, is nominated and appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year subject to ratification by the AdCom.

6.2.3 Duties of the Director of Industry Relations

• Report at AdCom meetings.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of corporations and key individuals in industry involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities.
• Maintain broad channels of communication between GRSS and the private sector, such as the Industry column on the GRSS Magazine, a mailing list, or pages in relevant social networks.
• Work with the IGARSS Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Teams to enhance corporate participation in IGARSS through exhibits, tutorials, special sessions and/or panels, plenary session speakers, and related means of sponsorship.
• Facilitate organization of the Technology Industrial Education (TIE) forum at IGARSS
• Identify and pursue suitable entities for the establishment of targeted technical and business relations, such as sponsorship of conferences and workshops, sponsorship of prizes, participation as exhibitors at the Society’s conferences and workshops, and advertising in the Society’s publications.
• Work with AdCom to suggest new strategic directions for GRSS that increase private sector involvement and provide value to the private sector.
• Coordinate with the required VP(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Director of Industry Relations all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

6.2.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.9, VI.11-14 Bylaws: II.13

6.2.5 Schedule for the Director of Industry Relations

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Enhance IGARSS Participation xxxxxx     
Prepare GRSS Industry Column     x     x


6.3.1 Responsibilities of the Director of Government Sector Relations

The Director of Government Sector Relations is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the relationship between GRSS and national/regional Space Agencies, as well as other governmental/public sector organizations involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities. The Director of Government Sector Relations reports to the President and will provide regular reports to the AdCom on these activities.

6.3.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Director of Government Sector Relations, if not an elected Member of the AdCom, shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the AdCom without voting privileges. The Director of Government Sector Relations must be a GRSS member, is nominated and appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year subject to ratification by the AdCom.

6.3.3 Duties of the Director of Government Sector Relations

• Report at AdCom meetings.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of key individuals in national/regional Space Agencies, as well as other governmental/public sector organizations involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities.
• Maintain broad channels of communication between GRSS and the Space Agencies by means of the Space Agencies Column on the GRSS Magazine and other options, such as a mailing list, or a working group, or pages in relevant social networks.
• Work with the IGARSS Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Teams to enhance participation by these institutions in IGARSS through exhibits, tutorials, special sessions and/or panels, plenary session speakers, and related means of sponsorship.
• Identify and pursue suitable entities for the establishment of targeted technical and business relations, such as sponsorship of conferences and workshops, sponsorship of prizes, participation as exhibitors at the Society’s conferences and workshops, and advertising in the Society’s publications.
• Work with AdCom to suggest new strategic directions for GRSS that increase membership of and involvement in GRSS and its activities at large of national/regional Space Agencies, as well as other governmental/public sector organizations involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities.
• Coordinate with the required VP(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Director of Government Sector Relations all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

6.3.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.9, VI.11-14 Bylaws: II.14

6.3.5 Schedule for the Director of Government Sector Relations

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Enhance IGARSS Participation xxxxxx     
Prepare GRSS Space Agencies Column  x     x   


6.4.1 Responsibilities of the Director of Global Activities

The Director of Global Activities is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the relationship between GRSS and other technical societies and institutions worldwide involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities to promote the expansion of GRSS geographically and in terms of number of members. The Director of Global Activities reports to the President and will provide regular reports to the AdCom on these activities.

6.4.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Director of Global Activities, if not an elected Member of the AdCom, shall be an Ex-Officio Member of the AdCom without voting privileges. The Director of Global Activities must be a GRSS member and is nominated and appointed by the President for a term of one calendar year subject to ratification by the AdCom.

6.4.3 Duties of the Director of Global Activities

• Report at AdCom meetings.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of societies, institutions, and key individuals worldwide involved in geoscience and remote sensing activities.
• Maintain broad channels of communication between GRSS and the above-mentioned societies, institutions, and individuals.
• Work with the IGARSS Facilitator to enhance participation in IGARSS through joint sessions with other societies, institutions, and plenary session speakers.
• Work with AdCom to suggest new strategic directions for GRSS that increase GRSS expansion globally, taking into account the unique aspects of each region, namely China, India, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.
• Nominate the GRSS liaison to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) for a term of one year. The term may be renewed annually up to a maximum of three. The GRSS liaison to GEO, if not an Elected Member of the AdCom, must be a GRSS member and shall be appointed by the President. GRSS liaison to GEO will report his/her activity to AdCom at the AdCom Fall meeting. Note: GRSS membership in GEO as a Participating Organization for the period 2017-2019 was approved by the AdCom on November 2016, and this decision will be reviewed in November 2019 to evaluate the effectiveness of its involvement and assess the benefits accruing to the Society of continued membership. In case the membership is not renewed, the position of GRSS liaison to GEO will discontinue.
• Coordinate with the required VP(s) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Director of Global Activities all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

6.4.4 References

Constitution: VI.3-5; VI.9, VI.11-14 Bylaws: II.16

6.4.5 Schedule for the Director of Global Activities

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Attend Other MeetingsAs Needed


6.5.1 Responsibilities of the Executive Officer

The Executive Officer of the Society supports the President and Vice Presidents in developing new initiatives, supports the President on administrative matters, supports GRSS financial processes, serves as a liaison with IEEE, manages Society correspondence and archival files, and assumes other responsibilities as requested by the President.

6.5.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Executive Officer is a paid Officer of the Society who reports to the President or these functions can be partly carried out by a company. The President has responsibility for negotiating the annual contract.

6.5.3 Duties of the Executive Officer

• Support the president in administrative matters, including organization and communication of telecons and efficient management of AdCom meetings
• Provide logistical support for the November AdCom meeting, including site review and selection, contract negotiation, hotel reservations, communication of arrangements.
• Support the Society booth at IGARSS, including design, logistics, and staffing.
• Conduct research and provide support as needed related to new initiatives
• Support financial processes, including managing and reporting IEEE credit card expenditures and travel reimbursement.

6.5.4 References

Constitution: none Bylaws: none

6.5.5 Schedule for the Executive Officer

AdCom Meetings X(x)  x    x 
Prepare Reports on Activities          x 



7.1.1 Responsibilities of the Awards Committees

The GRSS awards are administered by four Awards Committees. These include 1) Major Awards Committee, 2) Publication Awards Committee, 3) Special Awards Committee, and 4) Student Awards Committee. These Awards Committees shall consider and make recommendations for both general IEEE awards and the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society awards. The Chairpersons of the Awards Committees report to the Vice President for Professional Activities. The following Society Awards are considered annually, with corresponding awards presented at the following year’s IGARSS
1- Major Awards:
• Fawwaz Ulaby Distinguished Achievement Award (FDAA): A plaque and a certificate may be presented for the most distinguished contribution to the field of Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
• Outstanding Service Award (OSA): A certificate may be presented for outstanding service to the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. GRSS membership is required.
• Education Award (EA): A certificate may be presented for recognized contributions to education in geoscience and/or remote sensing. The awardee(s) must be either member(s) or affiliates of the GRSS. The award shall be considered annually, but only awarded when an outstanding recipient is identified.
• Golden Florin Award (GFA): This is a joint Italian Centre for Microwave Remote Sensing (CeTeM) and GRSS Award to recognize contributions of eminent GRSS members for their outstanding contributions to microwave remote sensing. The award shall be considered every other year, but only awarded when an outstanding recipient is identified. The selection committee includes two members from the GRSS Major Awards Committee recommended by the Major Awards Committee Chair, and three members recommended by CeTeM. The committee chair is selected among the latter ones. The committee members serve for a one-year term and are nominated by the GRSS President. The award consists of an exact gold reproduction of the old golden florin, the coin first minted in Italy by the Florentine Republic in 1252 and a certificate.
• Industry Leader Award (ILA): A plaque and a certificate may be presented to an individual who has made significant contributions over a sustained period in industrial and/or commercial remote sensing. The award shall be considered annually and presented if a distinguished candidate is identified. GRSS membership is preferred, but not required.
2- Special Awards:
• GRSS Early Career Award (GECA): A certificate and honorarium ($1,500) may be presented to recognize an individual who has been a member of IEEE GRSS for at least 5 years and is less than 35 years old at the time the nomination is due. The award shall be considered annually, but will only be awarded when an outstanding recipient is identified.
• Regional Leader Award (RLA): A Certificate and honorarium ($1500) may be presented to recognize an individual within the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society who has made significant technical, scientific and/or organizational achievements in the areas of interest to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing community. The award shall be considered annually and presented if an outstanding candidate is identified.
• Chapter Excellence Award (CEA): A certificate and a check for $1,000 to be used only for Chapter activities may be presented to recognize excellence in a GRSS or Joint Local Chapter, demonstrated by exemplary local GRSS activities during the previous year. The award shall be considered annually and presented only when a deserving Chapter is identified.
• David Landgrebe Award (DLA): The IEEE GRSS David Landgrebe Award is a GRSS career award, which is awarded for outstanding contributions in the field of remote sensing image analysis. The contributions shall be related to at least one of the following fields: classification, image analysis, feature extraction, change detection, data fusion, data mining, etc. A certificate will be presented to the awardee.
3- Publication Awards:
• Highest Impact Paper Award (HIPA): A certificate and honorarium ($3000) may be presented to the authors of a paper who have published in an IEEE GRSS Journal (i.e. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing) and the paper has received the highest number of citations and impact over the past 5 years as measured collectively by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar citation indices. A previously selected paper shall not be eligible for this award in the following years.
• Transactions Prize Paper Award (TPPA): A certificate and honorarium ($3000) may be presented for a paper judged to be of exceptional merit published in the GRSS Transactions during the prior calendar year.
• Letters Prize Paper Award (LPPA): A certificate and honorarium ($1500) may be presented for a paper judged to be of exceptional merit published in the GRS Letters during the prior calendar year.
• J-STARS Prize Paper Award (JPPA): A certificate and honorarium ($1500) may be presented for a paper judged to be of exceptional merit published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing during the prior calendar year. In case of multiple authors, each will receive a certificate, and the cash award will be shared among the co-authors. The award shall be presented annually for one paper, only if a suitable paper is identified. The award is funded through the IEEE GRSS budget, and it will only be given in a year if the Society budget is net positive with the inclusion of the award. Awards shall be presented at an awards ceremony during the next IGARSS. A feature publication will be published in the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and/or in the GRSS Magazine. Papers with the Editor-in-Chief as a co-author are not eligible for the Publication Award of the Publication of which he/she is EiC.
4- Symposium Awards:
• Symposium Prize Paper Award (SPPA): A certificate and honorarium ($1250) may be presented for a paper judged to be of exceptional merit presented at the prior year’s IGARSS. If the paper has more than one author, the honorarium shall be shared.
• Symposium Interactive Prize Paper Award (ISPPA): A certificate and honorarium ($1250) may be presented for an interactive paper judged to be of exceptional merit presented at the prior year’s IGARSS. If the interactive paper has more than one author the honorarium shall be shared.
• Student Prize Paper Award (StPPA): A maximum of three awards in rank order will be presented with honoraria of $1000, $750, and $500, respectively, along with a corresponding certificate. If there are multiple eligible authors the honoraria will be shared. The Student Prize Paper Awards will be presented at the awards ceremony of the IGARSS at which the papers are presented.
• Mikio Takagi Student Prize (MTStP): The first Student Prize Paper Award, see above, is the Mikio Takagi Student Prize. This prize is to recognize a student who has presented an outstanding paper at the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)

7.1.2 Selection and Term of Office

The society awards are managed by four Awards Committees: 1) Major Awards Committee handling the societies major awards (FDAA, OSA, ILA, EA, GFA), 2) Special Awards Committee managing the following awards GECA, CEA, RLA, and DLA, 3) Publications Awards Committee in charge of the GRSS society publication awards including HIPA, TPPA, LPPA, JPPA, and 4) Symposium Awards Committee handling paper awards associated with IGARSS including SPPA, ISPPA, StPPA, MTStP. The Chairpersons of the Awards Committees must be members of the IEEE GRSS and are appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairpersons select no less than 4 members for their respective Awards Committees, who are also appointed for a term of one year and ratified by the President. It is expected that members of the Awards Committees cover all the topic areas addressed by the Society and serve for a three-year period in order to ensure continuity in the duties of this Committee. Reappointment after the three-year period is also possible. For the Golden Florin Award three members of the awards committee are appointed by CeTeM and two members are appointed by GRSS.
In order to timely evaluate the papers for StPPA and MTStP, the Chairperson of the Symposium Awards Committee annually selects the members of an “ad hoc” Student Paper Prize Committee. The Student Paper Prize Committee is formed by no less than 5 members and ratified by the President.

7.1.3 Duties of the Awards Committees

• The Major Awards Committee solicits nominations for the Fawwaz Ulaby Distinguished Achievement, Outstanding Service, Industry Leader and the Education awards. Following nominee selection, the Major Awards Committee conducts an executive session to select the award winners.
• Nominees for the Transactions Prize Paper Award and Letters Prize Paper Award are obtained from the Transactions Editor, the Letters Editor, the respective Associate Editors and GRSS members.
• Nominees for the Symposium Prize Paper Award and the Interactive Prize Paper Award are obtained from the evaluation forms completed at the previous IGARSS.
• In the March meeting, the AdCom votes on the recommendations of the Publication and Symposium Awards Committees.
• Award recipient(s) are notified, and a biographical sketch and photo is requested.
• The Awards Committees orders to IEEE Headquarters checks and plaques with citations to IEEE Headquarters, including signatures of both GRSS President and Awards Committee Chair for the awards for presentation at the awards ceremony of the next IGARSS symposium. Certificates will be printed by IGARSS Facilitator and sent or handed to IGARSS General Chairperson prior to the conference.
• The Chairperson of the Society Major Awards Committee prepares a script to be followed at the award ceremony. The awards are presented in the following order: IEEE awards, Fellow awards, Fawwaz Ulaby Distinguished Achievement award, Outstanding Service award, Industry Leader award and Education award during the Opening Ceremony, and Transactions Prize Paper award, Letters Prize Paper award, J-STARS Prize Paper award, Symposium Prize Paper award, Symposium Interactive Prize Paper Award, Student Prize Paper awards, and Chapter Excellence award at the Banquet. During the Opening Ceremony, IEEE awards are handed by IEEE President or the highest IEEE Authority, if present, while all the GRSS awards are handed by GRSS President. During the Banquet, awards are handed by the Chairpersons of the relevant Awards Committees.
• The Chairperson of the Society Major Awards Committee prepares an article for the Newsletter and the Transactions reporting on the awards and their winners.
• Revise and update the Awards Operation Manual.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Awards Chairpersons all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.1.4 Conflicts of Interests

The Awards committee will follow IEEE policy 4.4.H on conflict of interest that states that any individual serving on any board or committee involved at any stage (i.e. from the nomination to the approval) of the recipient selection or approval process for an award would be ineligible to receive or to act as a nominator or reference for that award.

7.1.5 References

Constitution: VI.5-6; VI.9 Bylaws: II.8; IV.2-3

7.1.6 Schedule for the Awards Committees

• Collect nomination forms for SPPA, ISPPA from session chairs and interactive session judges.
• Organize photos of award recipients at IGARSS awards ceremony.
• Write an article on “Awards…” for the Magazine.
• Place a call for nominations for the FDAA, OSA, ILA and EA in the Sept. issue of the GRSS Electronic Newsletter
• Evaluate nomination forms for the SPPA, ISPPA, reducing the number to a maximum of 10 candidates.
• Collect photos from the awards presentation along with updated information on awardees.
• Write an article on “Awards…” for the Electronic Newsletter or GRS Magazine.
• Solicit Major Awards Search Committee and AdCom members for the FDAA, ILA, EA and OSA nominations by e-mail.
• Score the SPPA and ISPPA nominations within the Publications Awards Committee.
• Acquire the best 10 TPPA papers of the year from the nominators.
• Acquire the best 10 LPPA papers of the year from the nominators.
• Acquire the best 10 JPPA papers of the year from the nominators.
• Acquire the achievements and activities of the three best GRSS chapters from the GRSS Chapter Chair.
• Score the FDAA, OSA, ILA and EA rankings.
• Score the rankings within AdCom and prior recipients.
• Select the best chapter for the CEA.
• Score the TPPA rankings within the Awards Committee.
• Score the LPPA rankings within the Awards Committee.
• Score the JPPA rankings within the Awards Committee.
• Collect all the papers submitted for StPPA from IGARSS Technical Chairs.
• Prepare scoring results for the FDAA, OSA, EA, ILA, CEA, TPPA, LPPA, JPPA, SPPA and ISPPA and pass through AdCom for final approval.
• Select the papers to be evaluated for StPPA with the help of the Student Paper Prize Committee.
• Inform award recipients.
• Request necessary information on awardees: For TPPA, LPPA, JPPA, SPPA, ISPPA, request a photo, home address, social security number (if. U.S. recipient), and biography and have the corresponding tax form filled in. For FDAA, EA, ILA and OSA, request a photo and biography.
• Pre-evaluate StPPA candidates in preparation for the upcoming IGARSS session.
• Provide the list of the papers selected for StPPA to IGARSS Technical Chairs.
• Request from IEEE HQ or IGARSS Facilitator the preparation of all awards items for all awards except StPPA.
• Ensure that awards items are forwarded to either the Chairperson or the IGARSS Conference Technical Program Chairperson. Inform the IGARSS Conference Coordinator of receipt of award items.
• Inform the IGARSS Conference Technical Program Chair and Conference Coordinator of final information on all awardees.
• Prepare evaluation forms for the upcoming IGARSS SPPA, ISPPA, StPPA and forward them to the IGARSS Conference Coordinator.
• Insure that appropriate actions are being taken by the IGARSS Conference Coordinator for: award items, biographies, photos, advance program, presentation of awards at the banquet.
• Prepare a script for the IGARSS awards presentation.
• Solicit the IEEE President, Executive Vice President, or Director to present the IEEE Fellow awards at the upcoming IGARSS.
• Conduct StPPA competition and ranking.
• Prepare awards certificates and letters (request home address and SSN for U.S. recipients and have the corresponding tax form filled in) for StPPA.
• Present awards at the predetermined IGARSS venue, typically the Plenary Session for the FDAA, OSA, EA, ILA and the Fellow recognition and the IGARSS banquet for the TPPA, LPPA, JPPA, SPPA, ISPPA, MTStP, StPPA and CEA.


7.2.1 Responsibilities of the Chapters Committee

The Chapters Committee shall promote the organization of GRSS Chapters in such sections that have a sufficient number of Society members. The Committee operates under the long-established principle that meetings in any Section come under the sole jurisdiction of the Section officers. The Committee shall appoint a Society representative in such Sections that have GRSS chapters. The Chairperson of the committee reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities.

7.2.2 Satellite Chapters

In geographical Sections already with a GRSS active Chapter, a GRSS Satellite Chapter can be organized by at least 12 GRSS local members by submitting to the GRSS AdCom a 3-year project, provided that a) the location of the Satellite Chapter is geographically distant from the closest Chapter by at least 600 km; b) no more than 3 satellite chapters are simultaneously active in any Section; c) the Satellite Chapter will be chaired by a local member. Satellite Chapters are not IEEE Chapters, but geographical units of the GRSS Chapter in their Section. They shall run their own activities in autonomy from the regular Chapter in the same Section, with a budget directly managed by GRSS, and can participate in all GRSS initiatives like regular Chapters. At the end of the three-year project, the GRSS Chapter Committee shall perform an evaluation of the achieved results to sustain an official Chapter petition and creation. If IEEE policy won’t allow the petition, the project will be extended for additional 3 years’ periods.

7.2.3 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Chapters Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Chapters Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year.

7.2.4 Duties of the Chapters Committee

• Review all chapters and ensure annual reports are completed.
• Maintain a list of distinguished speakers and distribute this list to the Chapters via both the Chapter officers and Society representatives.
• Promote the use of webinars among chapters in order to share distinguished speakers lectures.
• Communicate with Sections that do not have Society Chapters, encouraging them to form Chapters.
• Prepare reports on Chapter activities for AdCom meetings.
• Promote the participation of chapters to the IEEE GRSS Chapter Excellence Award.
• Promote the submission of short papers describing chapters and their activities to the GRSS Magazine.
• Attend the IEEE Sections Congress.
• Encourage Chapter officers to attend the IGARSS Technical Activities luncheon/dinner at IGARSS.
• Evaluate the performance of Satellite Chapters at the end of their three years’ project period.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Chapter Chairperson all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.2.5 References

Constitution: IV.1; VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.8; IV.2; IV.4

7.2.6 Schedule for the Chapters Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports x    x   x 
Review ChaptersX          x
Update Speakers ListAs necessary


7.3.1 Responsibilities of the Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall encourage membership in the Society by all members of the IEEE and Affiliates of accredited societies who are interested in the fields of interest of the Society. The Committee shall also be responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of the IEEE GRSS web site and related links to the IGARSS, Newsletter, and Technical Committee sites. The Committee shall consider and make recommendation to the AdCom on the inclusion of other IEEE Societies as affiliates. The Membership Committee will arrange for the presence of a membership booth at all IGARSS symposia and the presence of some members to solicit membership applications and to answer questions about the Society. The Chairperson of the Membership Committee reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities.

7.3.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Membership Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year.

7.3.3 Duties of the Membership Committee

• Maintain and make available to AdCom members and affiliates a data base of all Society members including information on grade, region, and address. This data base shall normally be the IEEE OU Analytics data base, updated monthly.
• Provide updates on membership statistics at each AdCom meeting so as to guide AdCom on decisions relating to membership trends.
• Forward GRSS and IEEE membership applications to anyone requesting them.
• Maintain a continuous membership survey administered via a form on the IEEE GRSS web site, and provide feedback from this survey to the GRSS AdCom at each meeting.
• Arrange for the presence of a Membership booth at all IGARSS and related symposia. Insure staffing of membership booths by IEEE members to solicit membership applications and to answer questions about the Society.
• Update and improve the IEEE GRSS web site with new information on GRSS or AdCom activities at least once per trimester. Major web site innovations should be cleared with AdCom prior to their implementation.
• Provide updates to AdCom on the state of the GRSS web site, including financial reports regarding professional support for site maintenance and upgrades.
• Transfer to the succeeding Membership Committee Chairperson all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.3.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.8; IV.2; IV.5

7.3.5 Schedule for the Membership Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports x    x   x 
IGARSS Membership Booth     x    
Update Web SiteAs necessary


7.4.1 Responsibilities of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall report to the Executive Vice President and have the primary responsibilities of maintaining, modifying, distributing, and interpreting the GRSS Constitution and Bylaws documents.

7.4.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year.

7.4.3 Duties of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee

• To review and make recommendations on all proposals from the membership with regard to the Constitution and Bylaws.
• To write, review, or prepare any other action concerning the Constitution and Bylaws, as directed by the AdCom.
• To guide the President and AdCom with standard and proper procedure at each meeting, and as otherwise required, when business of the Society is being conducted.
• Transfer to the succeeding Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chairperson all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.4.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.7; IV.2; IV.6

7.4.5 Schedule for the Constitution and Bylaws Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare ReportsAs necessary


7.5.1 Responsibilities of the Operations and Procedures Manual Committee

The Operations and Procedures Manual Committee shall report to the Executive Vice President and have the primary responsibilities of maintaining, modifying, distributing, and interpreting the GRSS Operations Manual.

7.5.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Operations and Procedures Manual Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year.

7.5.3 Duties of the Operations and Procedures Manual Committee

• To maintain an up-to-date and working copy of the GRSS Operations and Procedures Manual.
• To incorporate changes in the Operations and Procedures manual as the responsibilities of GRSS officers evolve.
• To distribute copies of the Operations and Procedures manual as changes occur, and ensure that newly elected AdCom members or Society officers are provided with copies of the Operations and Procedures manual.
• Transfer to the succeeding Operations and Procedures Manual Committee Chairperson all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.5.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.7; IV.2; IV.7

7.5.5 Schedule for the Operations and Procedures Manual Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Manual Updates       xxx  


7.6.1 Responsibilities of the History Committee

The History Committee shall have the primary responsibilities of maintaining, modifying, and distributing documents pertinent to the history of all activities, conferences, committees, and awards within the GRSS. The Chair of the History Committee reports to the Vice-President of Information Resources.

7.6.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the History Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year.

7.6.3 Duties of the History Committee

• To maintain an up-to-date and working copy of the GRSS history.
• To incorporate changes into the GRSS history on at least an annual basis.
• To distribute copies of the GRSS history upon request and maintain an updated copy accessible under the GRSS web pages.
• Transfer to the succeeding History Committee Chairperson all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.6.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.12; IV.2; IV.8

7.6.5 Schedule for the History Committee

AdCom Meetings      x     
Prepare Reports      x     
GRSS History UpdatesAs necessary


7.7.1 Responsibilities of the Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee is chaired by the Executive Vice President and has the primary responsibility for long range strategic planning for the advancement of and benefit to the Society in achieving its goals.

7.7.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee selects the members for the Committee, who are appointed for a term of one year.

7.7.3 Duties of the Strategic Planning Committee

• To provide guidance to AdCom regarding the Society’s mission, relevant goals, and strategies for achieving those goals.
• To organize an annual Strategic Planning Meeting, usually the day before the November AdCom meeting. The purpose of the SPM is to update and respond to the GRSS Strategic Plan. The Strategic will be updated every four years, beginning with the plan published in 2015. In the intervening years, the SPM shall be used by the AdCom to collectively define, design and implement actions aimed at addressing the elements (positive and negative) identified in the SWOT analysis of the latest version of GRSS Strategic Plan.
• To transfer to the succeeding Strategic Planning Committee Chairperson all documents and software on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.7.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.7; IV.2; IV.9

7.7.5 Schedule for the Strategic Planning Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)       x 
Prepare Reports x        x 


7.8.1 Responsibilities of the Conference Advisory Committee

The Conference Advisory Committee shall report to the Vice President for Meetings and Symposia and provide advice to the GRSS AdCom on strategic conference related issues in GRSS fields of interest.

7.8.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Conference Advisory Committee is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year, which is renewable at the discretion of the Chairperson.

7.8.3 Duties of the Conference Advisory Committee

• To guide the Vice President for Meetings and Symposia and the AdCom in strategic planning for co-sponsored symposia and the annual International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).
• To advise on issues related to the Society’s co-sponsorship of other meetings, conferences and symposia.
• Update and revise the IGARSS Manual.
• Maintain and transfer documents related to activities of the Advisory Committee to the succeeding Chairperson.

7.8.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.10; IV.2; IV.10

7.8.5 Schedule for the Conference Advisory Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Organize Conferences & SponsorshipAs necessary


7.9.1 Responsibilities of the Fellows and Senior Member Search Committee

The Fellows and Senior Member Search Committee shall: encourage qualified IEEE/GRSS Members to upgrade to Senior Member status and identify qualified Senior Members to be nominated for IEEE Fellow. The committee will also seek out persons to nominate Senior Members who are identified as good candidates for Fellow nomination. The Chairperson of this Search Committee may not serve on the GRSS Fellows Evaluation Committee.

7.9.2 Selection and Term of Office

The President shall appoint the Chairperson of this Standing Committee. The Chairperson must be an IEEE Fellow and a member of IEEE GRSS, and reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities. The appointment shall be for one year and may be reappointed.

7.9.3 Duties of the Committee

• Attend and report at AdCom meetings.
• Implement scheduled activities.
• Encourage qualified IEEE Members to apply for upgrade to Senior Member status.
• Encourage GRSS members to inform their colleagues about the opportunity to become a senior member.
• Identify and encourage submission of Fellow nominations from outstanding Senior Members.

7.9.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.8 Bylaws: II.7; IV.2, IV.12

7.9.5 Schedule of Activities

For timeliness, in the autumn of each year the Chairperson should begin the Committee activities.
• Order from IEEE Headquarters two lists:
– IEEE Fellow Members of GRSS, listed alphabetically
– IEEE Senior Members within GRSS, listed by zip code
• Submit a Call for Nominations to the GRSS Magazine and the Electronic Newsletter
• Compile a list of current GRSS IEEE Fellows, alphabetically by name
• Organize a Search Committee composed of Fellow members.
• Work with GRSS chapters to recruit new senior members.
• Send out Fellow and Senior Member lists to the Search Committee.
• Request examination of SM list, and solicit suggestions for potential Fellow candidates.
• Identify the most viable SM for further assessment.
• Identify candidate nominators and contact them about committing to do the nomination.
• Provide these nominators with instructions about how a nomination should be carried out including what information to be gathered from the candidate and the best tactics for completing the online nomination form.
• Emphasize to the nominators and the candidates the importance of selecting references who will write very strong recommendations. Provide the list of GRSS Fellows to the nominator to use for these references. Encourage the nominator to secure a guarantee that these nominators will give very strong recommendations. If not, find a replacement who will.
• Provide all nominators with information about the best way to complete the online nomination form.
• Again, emphasize the importance of having very strong reference letter (which are all completed online so that the nominator does not see the letter). Therefore, the nominator must gain assurance from the reference that a very strong letter will be submitted.
• Obtain list of Fellows from previous year’s candidates who have been newly elected by the IEEE Board of Directors.
• Publicize newly elected Fellows and their citations in the GRSS Magazine and the Electronic Newsletter.
January and February
• Contact nominators of new Fellow candidates and offer assistance

AdCom meetings x(x)   x   x 
Obtain Lists        x   
Submit Nominations        x   
Organize Search Committee         x  
Send SM Letters         x  
Assess Promising Candidates          x 
Send Nomination Kits          x 
Publicize New Fellows           x
Contact New Nominatorsxx          


7.10.1 Responsibilities of the GRSS Technical Committees

The GRSS Technical Committees (TCs) report to the Vice President of Technical Activities. Each TC serves as a voice for the Society on issues relevant to one of seven TC technical areas: (1) Image Analysis and Data Fusion, (2) Earth Science Informatics, (3) Instrumentation and Future Technologies, (4) Frequency Allocations in Remote Sensing, (5) International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy, (6) Modeling in Remote Sensing, and (7) Standards for Earth Observations. Each TC organizes an annual special session for each IGARSS focusing on technical issues in its area of specialization. The GRSS Standards for Earth Observations (GSEO) TC is closely aligned with the IEEE Standards Association through the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Standards Committee (GRSS-SC). The GRSS-SC operates under the “Policies and Procedures for Standards Development” approved by the IEEE Standards Association. Although the GSEO may interface with various standards organizations, its primary aim is to initiate IEEE-SA projects through the GRSS-SC.

7.10.2 Selection and Term of Office

When a new TC is initiated, the Vice President of Technical Activities initially appoints a TC Chair for one two-year term. Each TC Chair then selects a Co-Chair, who is formally appointed to assist the Chair pending approval by the Vice President of Technical Activities. The Vice President of Technical Activities shall conduct elections for new TC Chairs in May of the second year of the term of each TC Chair. TC Chairs and Co-Chairs may serve in their respective positions for a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms, starting right after IGARSS. TC Chairs and Co-Chairs must be IEEE members.

7.10.3 Duties of the GRSS Technical Committees

• Attend and report on respective TC activity at AdCom meetings and the IGARSS TC and Chapter Chairs event.
• Represent the Society’s technical interests in the area of specialization of the respective TC.
• Update the Society membership about announcements relevant to the field of interest. To this end, the TC Chair and Co-Chair are responsible for the maintenance of the respective TC web page(s). Contribute an article to the Technical Committee column of the GRSS Magazine on a regular rotating schedule. Respond to technical position requests from the President or Vice President of Technical Activities.
• Recruit new TC members and maintain records of TC membership.
• Solicit input from the TC membership on technical issues in the area of specialization of the respective TC.
• Transfer all documents and software the succeeding officers on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.10.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.8 Bylaws: II.11; IV.2

7.10.5 Schedule for the GRSS Technical Committees

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x     
Prepare Reports x    x     
Hold TC Elections    x       
TC Web Page Updates  x  x  x  x
Organize IGARSS Special Sessionxx      xxxx
Respond to Technical InquiriesAs necessary


7.11.1 Responsibilities of each IGARSS Organizing Committee

Each IGARSS Organizing Committee is chaired by the General Chair(s) of the respective IGARSS and reports to the Vice President for Meetings and Symposia. Each Committee is responsible for the technical and financial success of their respective IGARSS.

7.11.2 Selection and Term of Office

IGARSS Committees are selected several years in advance of each symposium (typically 4), by the AdCom through a competitive proposal process. The General Chair and/or Co-chairs(s) serve nominal terms beginning with the selection of their team/venue and ending with the submission of the final report and audit of their symposium. The IGARSS General Chair and/or Co-chair(s), in addition to the Technical Program Committee Chair and Technical Program Committee Co-chair(s), must be Society members.

7.11.3 Duties of each IGARSS Organizing Committee

• Represent the interests of the Society in matters related to the respective IGARSS.
• Identify the symposium venue, ensure appropriate meeting, exhibit, and hotel space, along with terms of contract.
• Develop a detailed symposium budget with AdCom approval.
• Work with the IEEE IGARSS Facilitator, and the Vice President of Meetings and Symposia to negotiate and sign an appropriate symposium Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
• Take measures to secure adequate sponsorship of the symposium.
• Contract host and overflow hotel properties unless appropriated in agreement to the IGARSS Facilitator
• Select appropriate Technical Program Committee (TPC) members.
• Ensure a successful TPC Meeting with the development of a high quality technical program.
• Develop a comprehensive IGARSS Industry Exhibit program.
• Select customer-oriented service companies to provide support of local activities, as needed.
• Preside over the respective IGARSS symposium
• Ensure the organization of a high-quality Special Issue of J-STARS, based on the respective IGARSS
• Provide a complete financial audit and final report for the respective IGARSS.
• Attend and report on IGARSS organizational activity at AdCom meetings.

7.11.4 References

Constitution: V.2; VI.5; VI.8; VIII.1 Bylaws: II.16; IV.2

7.11.5 Schedule for the IGARSS Organizing Committee

Each IGARSS requires of the following nominal tasks/activities:

Each IGARSS requires of the following nominal tasks/activities:  
Task/ActivityMonths Relative to Symposium
Symposium Venuex         
Symposium Budgetx         
Sign MOUx         
Secure Sponsorship xxx      
Select TPC Officers  xx      
Call for Papers   xxx    
TPC Meeting     x    
Industry Exhibits     xxx  
Preside over IGARSS Symposium       x  
Audit and Final Report       xx 
Attend AdCom Meetingsxxxxxx xx 
Special TGARS Issue       xxx

More detailed information can be found in:


7.12.1 Responsibilities of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee

The Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall report to the Vice President of Information Resources and be responsible for interactions with the public through various media channels.

7.12.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members of the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year.

7.12.3 Duties of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee

• Ensure that the GRSS booth at IGARSS is prepared and always attended.
• Supervise the booking of the GRSS booth, furniture, etc., as well as the procurement of promotional materials, printed journal copies, flyers, membership sign-up information, and any other materials deemed necessary for the promotion of the Society at IGARSS and other GRSS-sponsored conferences.
• Identify opportunities for publicizing the contributions of the GRSS in the areas of science, engineering, education, and service through various media channels.
• Support publicity in Specialty Symposia which are technically co-sponsored by GRSS.
• Coordinate interviews and other media interaction with appropriate members of the Society.

7.12.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.8, IX.1 Bylaws: II.12; IV.2

7.12.5 Schedule for the Publicity and Public Relations Committee

AdCom meetings x(x)   x   x 
IGASS Booth set up and management    xxx     
Media InteractionAs necessary


7.13.1 Responsibilities of the Finance Committee

Provides oversight of the Financial Operations for the Society. Approves the Society Budget (current year + 1) prior to submission to the Society AdCom and to the IEEE/TAD.

7.13.2 Selection and Term of Office

Consists of the current year Society President, Executive Vice President, VP for Publications, VP for Meetings and Symposia, and the Chief Financial Officer. The Executive Vice President serves as the Chair of the Finance Committee.

7.13.3 Duties of the Finance Committee

Participates in scheduled teleconferences as required. Reviews and approves operational financial current year budget adjustments as requested by the Chief Financial Officer.

7.13.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.9 Bylaws: II.4; IV.2

7.13.5 Schedule for the Finance Committee

AdCom meetings x(x)   x   x 
Current year+1 budget    x  x   x
Teleconferencesx  x   x x  


7.14.1 Responsibilities of the Web Editor

The Web Editor collects current information and updates the website as often as need, typically no less than once per month. Information (news, conference announcements, …) must be timely and highlight events/topics of interest to GRSS members and links to technical and educational resources must be provided. The Editor contacts the company in charge for the website maintenance and supervises the content / format updates for cost effectiveness and timeliness (within the web budget). The Web Editor is expected to attend AdCom meetings. The Web Editor will provide regular reports to the Vice President for Information Resources on the Web site visits, sections not being used, future projects, charges recovered through ads, and other relevant issues.

7.14.2 Selection and Term of Office

The Web Editor must be a GRSS member and shall be an Ex-Officio member of the GRSS AdCom without vote unless the Web editor is an Elected Member. The Web Editor shall be nominated by the Vice President for Information Resources, appointed by the President, and ratified by the AdCom. The Web Editor must be a member of the Society. The Web Editor shall normally serve a three-year term, which may be renewed at the discretion of the AdCom. In the event that the Web Editor cannot fulfil assigned duties, the Vice President for Information Resources shall appoint an Acting Web Editor until a replacement is found.

7.14.3 Duties of the Web Editor

• Supervise Web contents for timeliness and cost effectiveness (within Web budget).
• Coordinate and schedule all inputs to maintenance/development company, including reviewing, editing, and proofing all materials.
• Unless very urgent, inputs to maintenance company will be once per week, and no less than once per month.
• Coordinate efforts with IEEE headquarters to ensure that Web Site follows IEEE standards.
• Provide regular reports to the Vice President for Operations and Finance on such issues as budget spent, activities being developed by maintenance/development company for approval for payment by the Director of Finance.
• Attend and report at AdCom meetings.
• Ensure that the Web Site serves the needs of the membership of the Society.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Web Editor all documents and hardware on a timely basis at the end of the term in office.

7.14.4 References

Constitution: VI.5; VI.14 Bylaws: II.12; III.1, III.5

7.14.5 Schedule for the Web Editor

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Web Site updatesAs necessary


7.15.1 Responsibilities of the Distinguished Speakers Program Chair

The responsibilities of the Chair of the GRSS Distinguished Speakers (DS) Program is to propose distinguished speakers to the AdCom based on the guidelines given below and to promote the activities related to this program in the GRSS Chapters, Student Chapters, Group/Society Chapters as well as Non-IEEE affiliated organizations. Distinguished Speaker program has been established by the GRSS to accomplish the following objectives:
• To disseminate knowledge in the geosciences and remote sensing fields of interest by prominent members of the society.
• To be utilized as a recruitment tool to attract bright young scientists and engineers to geosciences and remote sensing.
• To make the public and government agencies aware of the societal impact and benefits activities in field of geosciences and remote sensing.
The Chairperson of the Distinguished Speakers Program reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities.

7.15.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the Distinguished Speakers Program, if not an AdCom member, must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year.

7.15.3 Duties of the Distinguished Speakers Program Chair

• Insure that an updated version of the list of distinguished speakers is posted on the GRSS web site.
• Nomination of DS Lecturers to the AdCom (cf. procedure for selection of GRSS Distinguished Speakers given below).
• Contacting DS Lecturers for contributions of a feature article for publication in the GRSS Magazine.
• Coordination of the DS program with local Chapters, Student chapters as well as Non-IEEE affiliated organizations.
• Request a report for each DS talk for monitoring the effectiveness of the DSP.
• Monitoring of the workload for each Lecturer (expected to be around 3-4 lecture trips/webinars per year, with typically 1-3 lectures per trip).

7.15.4 Procedure for Selection of the GRSS Distinguished Speakers

• A multi-year appointment (3 years) offered to people eminent in the society’s field of interest who agree to be available for the period of appointment with staggered terms should be adopted. In this manner, approximately one Lecturer will be appointed each year to facilitate continuity of the program.
• Selection philosophy is based on the following criteria:
– Selecting contemporary topics of interest to GRSS members for which the best available candidate must be found.
– Selection of DS based on gender balance and membership demographics. It is important to identify speakers from different regions of the world to facilitate travel arrangements and effective use of DSP.
– Selecting individuals who can provide tutorial type presentations for the purpose of attracting young researchers to geosciences and remote sensing
• Selection Procedure
– The responsibility for topic selection, down selecting and recommending the candidate DS to AdCom rests with the Distinguisher Speakers Program Chair. The Chair recommends the DS candidate(s) to AdCom at the July meeting on an annual basis, if a vacancy exists. Nominations can be provided by the Technical Committee chairs, GRS Chapters, and AdCom.
• The nomination should include:
– Nomination letter clearly identifying candidate qualifications and fitness to the selection philosophy outlined above
– Biography of candidate
– Title and brief summary of talk
The DSP chair recommendations will be presented to the AdCom for approval and a 3-year term appointment.

7.15.5 References

Constitution: VI.5 Bylaws: II.8; III.1

7.15.6 Schedule of the Distinguished Speakers Program Chair

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x     
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x     


7.16.1 Responsibilities of the nominations committee

The nominations committee is responsible for the search and nominations of qualified candidates for the annual elections of AdCom members of the GRSS. The Nominations Committee, in its nominations, and the Administrative Committee, in its elections, shall be guided in their selection by principles of candidate qualification, geographical distribution, and organizational distribution. Every year, 3 candidates are elected by the Society membership, and 3 candidates are elected by the AdCom members. In both cases the elected members serve for a three-year term.

7.16.2 Selection and Term of Office

On or before February 1 of each year, the President shall appoint a Nominations Committee which shall consist of the immediate past president as Chair and two or more members of the Society elected by the AdCom. The Chair reports to the President. Chairs shall not be eligible to be elected to the governing body during their term of service. The Chair will not have voting rights during the elections for AdCom members, the Executive Vice President and the President. Members of the Nominations Committee are ineligible for nomination by the Nominations Committee for any position under the purview of the Committee until their term of office on the Nominations Committee expires or the member resigns from the Nominations Committee. In a case where the member resigns from the committee, the resignation must occur before the first meeting of the year in which the nomination shall be made. After resignation a former member of the Nominations Committee may be nominated for any elected position from the floor, but not by another member of the same Nominations Committee.

7.16.3 Elections Procedure

The search, nomination and election procedure consist of two parts: a) Candidates for election by the GRSS members, b) Candidates for election by the AdCom members. Newly elected officers shall assume office on the first day of January, or as soon thereafter as can be conveniently arranged with retiring officers. The AdCom consists of no less than 15 and no more than 18 members of the Society and the IEEE, plus Past Presidents and additional Ex-Officio Members as provided in Society Bylaws. Procedure for election of candidates by the GRSS members

The Nominations Committee shall submit to the Administrative Committee at least one name of a member of the Society for each vacancy to occur in the Administrative Committee for terms expiring December 31. In addition, the Chair of the Nominations Committee shall ensure that a Call for Nominations is published in the January issue of the GRSS eNewsletter, and in the GRSS web site, with deadline for submitting applications set to February 28.
All candidates who submitted an application may be supported by the membership through an ad-hoc petition page in the GRSS web site, accessible to the general membership from March 15 to April 30. A petition carrying a minimum of 2% of the names of eligible Society members, excluding students, place that nominee in the slate. If more than 6 candidates are supported by at least 2% of the membership, only the 6 names with the largest support will be selected.
The Nomination Committee shall be guided in the selection of the remaining names in the slate by the number of supporting members, the principles of demonstrated or potential ability in GRSS-related activities, and by other factors which may be relevant, such as geographical distribution, gender diversity, and the academic, governmental, and industrial distribution of the candidates. If a current AdCom member has 12 consecutive years of service as an elected member of the AdCom, that person cannot be placed on the election ballot by the Nominations Committee.
After submission of the slate of candidates by the nominations committee to the IEEE, the election is conducted by IEEE in electronic format and in form paper ballot. Three candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected. Procedure for election of candidates by the AdCom

After the results of the election of 3 AdCom members by membership election are known, the Administrative Committee shall elect during the November AdCom meeting candidates to fill the remaining vacancies in the Administrative Committee. The AdCom may add nominees if any member thereof sees fit to do so. A majority of votes cast per candidate of the Committee shall elect. The process will involve nominations, discussions of the candidates, and then the following voting procedure. When there are more candidates than vacant positions, a vote will be held and the candidate receiving the fewest votes will be eliminated. Voting will be repeated, successively eliminating the candidate with the fewest votes until the correct number of candidates has been elected by majority vote of the Administrative Committee. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot. During the elections, all members-at-large of the AdCom have voting rights and are eligible to vote. Ex-Officio members with voting rights cannot vote for candidates for AdCom, but can vote for the President, or the Executive Vice President. Ex-Officio Members with or without voting rights are not full AdCom members and are not eligible to be candidates for President or Executive Vice President.
The AdCom may hold a contingent election, to be effective in case an elected member fails to take office, or a disapproval of an elected member is received from Headquarters. The names of the elected members shall be transmitted by the President to the Vice President of the Technical Activities Board. Unless disapproval of such elected members is received within 60 days of such transmittal, the elections shall become final. The Administrative Committee, at its November Meeting, shall also elect the President and Executive Vice President of the AdCom for the year beginning on the succeeding January 1. Remote voting Voting

AdCom members not being able to attend an AdCom meeting can provide their vote through electronic means if the remote voting member can also hear and participate in the live discussion of the candidates. Prior to the AdCom meeting in which the vote will be held, the remote voting member must confirm in written format his/her plan to participate in the discussion and in the real time voting. The plan must be sent to, and approved by both the President of GRSS, and the Chair of the Nominations Committee. Since AdCom elections are dynamic and usually involve multiple rounds of voting, proxy voting will not be allowed.

7.16.4. References

Constitution: VI.1; VI.3; VI.14; VII.1-3 Bylaws: I.1-3; II.1-2; V.1

7.16.5 Nominations Committee Schedule

Appointment of nominations committee x(x)         

Call for nominations

(GRSS Electronic Newsletter)

Submit ballot to IEEE    x       
Elections by Membership       x    
Announce result of elections to AdCom        x   
Prepare ballot for elections at November AdCom meeting         x  
Elections at November AdCom meeting          x 
Inform IEEE about results          x 


7.17.1 Responsibilities and Duties of the Regional Liaison Coordinators

Each regional liaison coordinator reports to the Director of Global Activities, and shall promote, enhance and coordinate the following activities in the respective region by means of:
• Publicity and visibility of the GRSS and its areas of activities.
• Linkage to the regional remote sensing community and related societies.
• Participation of GRSS in specialty conferences and symposia in these regions, e.g. by providing technical co-sponsorship, organization of sessions, invited speeches, use of the distinguished speaker program.
• Organization of workshops on specific topics.
• Formation of new chapters.
• Regional educational activities.
The activities related to workshops, technical co-sponsorship shall be coordinated with the VP of Meetings and Symposia. For the regional educational activities, a close coordination with the Director of Education shall be ensured. The formation of new chapters is to be coordinated with the GRSS Chapter Committee chair.

7.17.2 Selection and Term of Office of the Regional Liaison Coordinators

The regional liaison coordinators are nominated by the Director of Global Activities and are appointed by the President at the beginning of a year for a term of one calendar year. Normally the regional liaison coordinators shall serve for a three-year period in order to ensure continuity of the activities. A reappointment after this period is possible at the discretion of the Vice-President of Professional Activities and the President.

7.17.3 Duties of the Regional Liaison Coordinators

• Attend and report at AdCom meetings if requested by the Director of Global Activities. Prior to the February AdCom meeting, each of Regional Liaison Coordinators should provide a plan of their activities for the current year and a budget proposal pending the approval of the Director of Global Activities and the AdCom.
• Perform the activities to support the regional liaison.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of societies and groups involved in geoscience and remote sensing and key individuals in the respective regions.
• Work with the VP of Meetings and Symposia to enhance the participation of these regions in IGARSS.
• Work with the membership chair to promote GRSS membership in these regions.

7.17.4 References

Constitution: VI.5 Bylaws: II.16; III.1

7.17.5 Schedule

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 

7.18 BOOK SERIES Editor- TBD (Not implemented yet)


7.19.1 Responsibilities of the IDEA Committee

The IDEA Committee shall Inspire, Develop, Empower, and Advance (IDEA) all GRSS members and Affiliates of accredited societies who are interested in the fields of interest of the Society. The Committee is responsible for planning and organizing activities across regions, chapters, and conferences to develop, empower and advance engineers and scientists from diverse backgrounds (technical, regional, gender, etc.), and inspire members around the world to follow their technical interests to a career in geoscience and remote sensing. The Chairperson of the IDEA Committee reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities.

7.19.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The Chairperson of the IDEA Committee must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year. The Chairperson selects the members for the Committee, who are also appointed for a term of one year. The members of the Committee will be appointed such that the terms of Committee members overlap; this will provide continuation for the Committee.

7.19.3 Duties of the IDEA Committee

• Report at AdCom meetings.
• Plan and organize activities across regions, chapters, and conferences to develop, empower and advance engineers and scientists from diverse backgrounds (technical, regional, gender, etc.), and inspire members around the world to follow their technical interests to a career in geoscience and remote sensing.
• Establish a standing working group of GRSS members across diverse backgrounds (technical, regional, gender, etc.) to poll for new ideas and activities. The working group will hold regular telecons, as needed.
• Work with the IGARSS Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Teams to strengthen participation of engineers and scientists from diverse backgrounds (technical, regional, gender, etc.) through special sessions and/or panels, professional development workshops, and plenary session speakers.
• Work with AdCom to suggest new strategic directions and activities for GRSS to increase diverse involvement, increase advancement, and provide value to members from a diverse background, including fostering participation in leadership roles within GRSS and advancement to Senior IEEE member and IEEE Fellow.
• Coordinate and interface with VPs and Committees to strengthen participation of members from diverse backgrounds (technical, regional, gender, etc.) in the activities/initiatives in which the Society is already engaged.
• Perform other duties the President may assign.
• Transfer to the succeeding Chairperson of the IDEA Committee all documents on a timely basis at the end of term in office.

7.19.4 References

Constitution: VI.5 Bylaws: II.8; III.1, IV.13

7.19.5 Schedule for the IDEA Committee

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Enhance IGARSS Participation xxxxxx     
Prepare GRS Magazine IDEA Column     x     x

7.20 GRSS YP Representative

7.20.1 Responsibilities of the GRSS YP Representative

The GRSS Young Professionals (YP) Representative represents all graduate student members and early career professional members of the Society. The GRSS Young Professionals Representative also serves as a Liaison to various IEEE organizational to serve the needs of the members. The GRSS YP Representative reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities.

7.20.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The GRSS YP Representative must be a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of one calendar year.

7.20.3 Duties of the GRSS YP Representative

• Report at AdCom meetings.
• Inform the IEEE Global Young Professionals committee of chapter activities and report future plan, concerns and any insight gained. The YP representative is expected to attend at least one IEEE Global YP meeting every year to get to know the YP representatives from other societies and the IEEE technical activities board (TAB) who have representatives at the meeting.
• Organize events to benefit YPs in the society, including the YP cocktail at IGARSS, the biennial IEEE GRSS YP conference, and other local events of particular sections always in conjunction with GRSS YP representatives from individual chapters.
• Advise the Chapters on personnel, logistics and other relevant details for YP focused activities, by communicating with the Chapter leadership and the YP representative in each Chapter.
• Increase the society membership and YP participation.
• Communicate with the YPs in the society and the scientific community at large, by maintaining the IEEE GRSS YP Social media account(s), as well as publishing articles about successful events on the IEEE Impact Blog.

7.20.4 References

Constitution: VI.5 Bylaws: II.8; III.1, IV.14

7.20.5 Schedule for the GRSS YP Representative

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Enhance IGARSS Participation xxxxxx     

7.21 GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator

7.21.1 Responsibilities of the GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator

The GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator represents all student members of the Society. The GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator also serves as a liaison to various IEEE organizational units, including the student activities committee, to serve the needs of the members. The GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities and acts in conjunction with the Chapter Committee Chair.

7.21.2 How Selected and Term of Office

The GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator must be a student and a GRSS member and is appointed by the President in accordance with the Bylaws for a term of two calendar years.

7.21.3 Duties of the GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator

• Report at AdCom meetings, and attend the March and/or July meeting if requested by the VP for Professional Activities and/or the President.
• Inform the IEEE student activities committee of GRSS student chapter activities and report future plans, concerns and any insight gained. The student chapter coordinator is expected to attend one student activities committee meeting every year to get to know the student chapter coordinators from other societies and the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) who have representatives at the meeting.
• Organize a monthly tele-conference among student chapter chairs to enable them to learn from each other’s activities and events, inform them about GRSS and IEEE initiatives and reply to their questions in a timely manner.
• Advise the regular and student chapters on personnel, logistics and other relevant details for student activities, in cooperation with the Chapter Committee Chair.
• Increase the number of student members and their participation in activities of the Society.
• Organize events among all GRSS student members that increase student participation and result in the formation of new student chapters.

7.21.4 References

Constitution: IV.1, VI.5, 9 Bylaws: II.8, IV.2-3, 15

7.21.5 Schedule for the GRSS Student Chapter Coordinator

AdCom Meetings x(x)   x   x 
Prepare Reports on Activities x    x   x 
Enhance IGARSS Participation xxxxxx     

7.22 GRSS Major Awards Search Committee

7.22.1 Responsibilities of the GRSS Major Awards Search Committee

The Major Awards Search Committee shall help identify qualified IEEE/GRSS Members to nominate for each GRSS Major Award (FDAA, OSA, EA, and ILA). The committee shall also seek out persons to nominate those who are identified as good candidates for each award. As for the Fellows nomination, the candidate cannot become involved in the process. The Chairperson and members of this Search Committee may not serve on the GRSS Major Awards Evaluation Committee. 7.22.2 How Selected and Term of Office The President shall appoint the Chairperson of this Standing Committee. The Chairperson must be a member of IEEE GRSS, and reports to the Vice President for Professional Activities. The appointment shall be for one year, and may be renewed.

7.22.3 Duties of the GRSS Major Awards Search Committee

• Implement scheduled activities.
• Identify and encourage submission of nominations of qualified candidates for each of GRSS Major Awards (FDAA, OSA, EA, and ILA).

7.22.3 References

Constitution: VI.5-6; VI.9 Bylaws: II.8; IV.2-3, 16

7.22.4 Schedule of activities for the GRSS Major Awards Search Committee


  • Collect nomination forms for SPPA, ISPPA from session chairs and interactive session judges.
  • Organize photos of award recipients at IGARSS awards ceremony.
  • Write an article on ΄Awards…‘ for the Magazine.


  • Place a call for nominations for the FDAA, OSA and EA in the Sept. issue of the GRSS Electronic Newsletter


  • Evaluate nomination forms for the SPPA, ISPPA, reducing the number to a maximum of 10 candidates.
  • Collect photos from the awards presentation along with updated information on awardees.
  • Write an article on ΄Awards…‘ for the Electronic Newsletter or GRS Magazine.
  • Solicit AdCom members for the FDAA and OSA nominations by e-mail.


  • Score the SPPA and ISPPA nominations within the Publications Awards Committee.


  • Acquire the best 10 TPPA papers of the year from the nominators.
  • Acquire the best 10 LPPA papers of the year from the nominators.
  • Acquire the best 10 JPPA papers of the year from the nominators.
  • Acquire the achievements and activities of the three best GRSS chapters from the GRSS Chapter Chair.


  • Score the FDAA, OSA and EA rankings.
  • Score the rankings within AdCom and prior recipients.
  • Select the best chapter for the CEA.


  • Score the TPPA rankings within the Awards Committee.
  • Score the LPPA rankings within the Awards Committee.
  • Score the JPPA rankings within the Awards Committee.
  • Collect all the papers submitted for StPPA from IGARSS Technical Chairs.


  • Prepare scoring results for the FDAA, OSA, EA, CEA, TPPA, LPPA, JPPA, SPPA and ISPPA and pass through AdCom for final approval.
  • Select the papers to be evaluated for StPPA with the help of the Student Paper Prize Committee.


  • Inform award recipients.
  • Request necessary information on awardees: For TPPA, LPPA, JPPA,
    SPPA, ISPPA, request a photo, home address, social security number (if.
    U.S. recipient), and biography and have the corresponding tax form
    filled in. For FDAA and OSA, request a photo and biography.
  • Pre-evaluate StPPA candidates in preparation for the upcoming IGARSS session.
  • Provide the list of the papers selected for StPPA to IGARSS Technical Chairs.


  • Request from IEEE HQ or IGARSS Facilitator the preparation of all awards items for all awards except StPPA.
  • Ensure that awards items are forwarded to either the Chairperson or
    the IGARSS Conference Technical Program Chairperson. Inform the IGARSS
    Conference Coordinator of receipt of award items.
  • Inform the IGARSS Conference Technical Program Chair and Conference Coordinator of final information on all awardees.
  • Prepare evaluation forms for the upcoming IGARSS SPPA, ISPPA, StPPA and forward them to the IGARSS Conference Coordinator.


  • Insure that appropriate actions are being taken by the IGARSS
    Conference Coordinator for: award items, biographies, photos, advance
    program, presentation of awards at the banquet.
  • Prepare a script for the IGARSS awards presentation.
  • Solicit the IEEE President, Executive Vice President, or Director to present the IEEE Fellow awards at the upcoming IGARSS.


  • Conduct StPPA competition and ranking.
  • Prepare awards certificates and letters (request home address and SSN
    for U.S. recipients and have the corresponding tax form filled in) for
  • Present awards at the predetermined IGARSS venue, typically the
    Plenary Session for the FDAA, OSA, EA and the Fellow recognition and the
    IGARSS banquet for the TPPA, LPPA, JPPA, SPPA, ISPPA, MTStP, StPPA and



The Executive Committee (ExCom) of the IEEE GRSS AdCom conducts the GRSS business on a day-to-day basis throughout the year. It may decide on subjects that cannot be delayed until a regular AdCom meeting because of timeliness. The ExCom consists of the following AdCom members: the President, the Executive Vice President, Past Presidents during their term as Members at Large, the Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, the Vice-President of Professional Activities, the Vice-President of Publications, the Vice-President of Meetings and Symposia, the Vice-President of Technical Activities, and the Vice President of Information Resources.

8.1.2 References

Constitution: VI.4 Bylaws: III.1; IV.1


The following chart shows the current overall GRSS AdCom organization along with offices, committees, and directorates reporting to the various Vice Presidents and Society Officers in January 2019.



AdComAdministrative Committee
CEAChapter Excellence Award
FDAAFawwaz Ulaby Distinguished Achievement Award
DSDistinguished Speaker
EAEducation Award
EAB-TAACEducational Activities Board, Technical Activities Advisory Committee
FFellow Member
GRSLIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
GRSSGeoscience and Remote Sensing Society
ICEOIEEE Committee on Earth Observation
IEEEInstitute for Electrical Engineering and Electronics
IEEEUSAB IEEE United States Activities Board
ILAIndustry Leader Award
IGARSSInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
ISO TC-211International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 211
ISPPASymposium Interactive Prize Paper Award
J-STARSIEEE GRSS Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
LPPALetters Prize Paper Award
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MTStPMikio Takagi Student Prize
OSAOutstanding Service Award
PACEProfessional Activities
RABRegional Activities Board
SMSenior Member
SPPASymposium Prize Paper Award
StPPAStudent Prize Paper Award
TABTechnical Activities Board
TCGRSS Technical Committee
TGRSIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
TPPATransactions Prize Paper Award
VPVice President


David Goodenough 1997
James Gatlin 1998
Tom Jackson 1998
Werner Wiesbeck 1998
Kiyo Tomiyasu 2002
Albin J. Gasiewski 2002
Alberto Moreira 2008, 2009
Jon Atli Benediktsson, 2010
Melba Crawford, 2011, 2012
Kamal Sarabandi, 2013, 2014
Adriano Camps, 2015, 2016
Paolo Gamba, 2017, 2018
David Kunkee, 2019