There are two types of AdCom elections: by GRSS members and by AdCom.
AdCom election by GRSS members
For more information, see Operations manual –
The Nominations Committee shall submit to the Administrative Committee at least one name of a member of the Society for each vacancy to occur in the Administrative Committee for terms expiring December 31. In addition, the Chair of the Nominations Committee shall ensure that a Call for Nominations is published in the January issue of the GRSS eNewsletter, and in the GRSS website, with the deadline for submitting applications set to February 28.
All candidates who submitted an application may be supported by the membership through an ad-hoc petition page on the GRSS website, accessible to the general membership from March 15 to April 30. A petition carrying a minimum of 2% of the names of eligible Society members, excluding students, place that nominee in the slate. If more than 6 candidates are supported by at least 2% of the membership, only the 6 names with the largest support will be selected.
The Nomination Committee shall be guided in the selection of the remaining names in the slate by the number of supporting members, the principles of demonstrated or potential ability in GRSS-related activities, and by other factors that may be relevant, such as geographical distribution, gender diversity, and the academic, governmental, and industrial distribution of the candidates.
If a current AdCom member has 12 consecutive years of service as an elected member of the AdCom, that person cannot be placed on the election ballot by the Nominations Committee.
After submission of the slate of candidates by the nominations committee to the IEEE, the election is conducted by IEEE in electronic format and paper ballot. Three candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected.
The tool is available at The tool is open for self-nomination to serve in the AdCom during the indicated times.
AdCom election by AdCom members
For more information, see Operations manual –
After the results of the election of 3 AdCom members by GRSS members are known, the Administrative Committee will elect candidates to fill the remaining vacancies during the November AdCom meeting. The AdCom may add nominees if any member thereof sees fit to do so. A majority of votes cast per candidate of the Committee shall elect. The process will involve nominations, discussions of the candidates, and then the following voting procedure. When there are more candidates than vacant positions, a vote will be held and the candidate receiving the fewest votes will be eliminated. Voting will be repeated, successively eliminating the candidate with the fewest votes until the correct number of candidates has been elected by the majority vote of the Administrative Committee. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot.
During the elections, all members-at-large of the AdCom have voting rights and are eligible to vote. ExOfficio members with voting rights cannot vote for candidates for AdCom but can vote for the President, or the Executive Vice President. Ex-Officio Members with or without voting rights are not full AdCom members and are not eligible to be candidates for President or Executive Vice President.
The AdCom may hold a contingent election, to be effective in case an elected member fails to take office, or a disapproval of an elected member is received from Headquarters. The names of the elected members shall be transmitted by the President to the Vice President of the Technical Activities Board. Unless disapproval of such elected members is received within 60 days of such transmittal, the elections shall become final. The Administrative Committee, at its November Meeting, shall also elect the President and Executive Vice President of the AdCom for the year beginning on the succeeding January 1.