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IEEE GRSS past presidents receive prestigious IEEE awards

IEEE has awarded Dr. Melba Crawford and Dr. Alberto Moreira as recipients of the 2023 IEEE Medal. Meanwhile, IEEE has also announced Dr. Kamal Sarabandi as a recipient of the 2024 Technical Field Awards.

For her “contributions to remote sensing technology and leadership in its application for the benefit of humanity,” Dr. Crawford was awarded the 2023 IEEE Mildred Dresselhaus Medal. On the other hand, Dr. Moreira was awarded the 2023 IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications for his “leadership and innovative concepts in the design, deployment, and utilization of airborne and space-based radar systems.”

Dr. Sarabandi will be awarded the 2024 IEEE Electromagnetics Award for his “contributions to electromagnetic sensing technology and metamaterials for antenna miniaturization.”