Technologies on Small but Mighty Missions

Technologies on Small but Mighty Missions

Webinar Speaker:

Sharmila Padmanabhan

About the Webinar

This talk will describe some of the recent NASA Class D Type 2 Earth Science missions that have been enabled by 35 nm InP Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits as well as room temperature thermopile detectors in the Mid to Far IR. I will showcase the TEMPEST-D, PREFIRE and EZIE missions and technologies implemented on these missions that enable constellations ushering us into measurement paradigms.

About the Speaker

Sharmila Padmanabhan received her Ph.D. degree in EE from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, in 2009. Since December 2008, she has been a staff member of the Electronics, Software, and Microwave Instruments Section at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. Her research interests include millimeter, submillimeter-wave and infrared instrumentation for remote sensing, calibration/validation and performance assessment of microwave radiometers, and geophysical retrieval algorithm development. Dr. Padmanabhan was the recipient of NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal in 2019.

Recorded Webinar