GRSS President 1982-1983
Keith Carver (SM 82, F 86) received the MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1963 and 1967 respectively. From 1967 to 1969 he was on the faculty of electrical engineering at the University of Kentucky, and from 1969 – 1984 he was on the electrical engineering faculty at New Mexico State University. He joined the University of Massachusetts in 1984, where he was Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from 1984 – 1994, except for three years when he was Acting Dean of the College of Engineering. He was a Member of the Technical Staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory from 1981 to 1983, where he was the Microwave Remote Sensing Program Manager at NASA HQ in Washington, DC. He retired from the University of Massachusetts in 2005, where he is now Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He conducted research in microwave antennas, printed circuit antennas, microwave remote sensing, synthetic aperture radars, and synthetic aperture radiometers. He is an Honorary Life Member of the GRSS AdCom, and a Past President of GRSS (1982 and 1983). He worked closely with Professor Fawwaz Ulaby to initiate the annual IGARSS symposia, starting in 1981 (Washington, D.C.) and was General Chairman of IGARSS’83.
He was a recipient of the GRSS Outstanding Service Award (1984) and was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (1981 and 1982). In 1986 he was elected as Fellow of the IEEE. He was the recipient of the NASA Public Service Award in 1983. He was on numerous advisory boards for the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the National Research Council, and in 1984 received the IEEE Centennial Award. He was on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Proceedings from 1987 to 1992. He was President of the National Electrical Engineering Department Heads Association (NEEDHA) from 1991 to 1992 and was on the Fellow Evaluation Committee of the IEEE Education Society (1990 – 1992). In his post-retirement years, Dr. Carver has had more time to pursue his love of bird photography. His images of over 2000 birds from across North America can be seen on this website. (Date: Jan. 2024)