All accepted papers of EarthVision'20 can be found here:
(Thanks to the Computer Vision Foundation for releasing the papers as OpenAccess).
Of all accepted submissions two papers had been selected to be awarded with the best paper awards. Congratulations again!"
Best Paper Award
Onur Tasar (INRIA); Yuliya Tarabalka (Inria Sophia-Antipolis); Alain Giros (CNES); Pierre Alliez (INRIA Sophie-Antipolis, France); Sébastien Clerc (ACRI-ST) "StandardGAN: Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Very High Resolution Satellite Images by Data Standardization" -
Best Paper Award
Marc Rußwurm (Technical University of Munich); Sherrie Wang (Stanford University); Marco Körner (Technical University of Munich); David Lobell (Stanford University) "Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Land Cover Classification"