IEEE/ISPRS Workshop. Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery
June 17, 2019, Long Beach, CA
in conjunction with the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019 Conference
Best Paper Awards

All accepted papers of EarthVision'19 can be found here. (Thanks to the Computer Vision Foundation for releasing the papers as OpenAccess).

Of all accepted submissions one regular and two student papers had been selected to be awarded with the best paper and best student paper awards, respectively. These submissions were presented in oral talks additionally to the interactive poster presentations.

  • Best Paper Award
    Matt Leotta (Kitware), Chengjiang Long (Kitware), Bastien Jacquet (Kitware), Matthieu Zins (Kitware), Dan Lipsa (Kitware), Jie Shan (Purdue), Bo Xu (Purdue), Zhixin Li (Purdue), Xu Zhang (Columbia University), Shih-Fu Chang (Columbia University), Matthew Purri (Rutgers University), Jia Xue (Rutgers University), Kristin Dana (Rutgers University) for their paper entitled "Urban Semantic 3D Reconstruction from Multiview Satellite Imagery".
  • Best Student Paper Award - 1st place
    Rodrigo Caye Daudt (ONERA), Bertrand Le Saux (ONERA), Alexandre Boulch (ONERA), Yann Gousseau (Télécom ParisTech) for their paper entitled "Guided Anisotropic Diffusion and Iterative Learning for Weakly Supervised Change Detection".
  • Best Student Paper Award - 2nd place
    Benjamin Kellenberger (Wageningen University), Diego Marcos (Wageningen University), Devis Tuia (Wageningen University) for their paper entitled "When a Few Clicks Make All the Difference: Improving Weakly-Supervised Wildlife Detection in UAV Images".