IEEE/ISPRS Workshop. Looking from above: When Earth observation meets vision
12th of June 2015, Boston MA
in conjunction with the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015 Conference
Keynote Speakers


The CVPR 2015 page with all the papers is available here
08h20 - 08h35
J. Zerubia, K. Schindler, D. Tuia, G. Moser, J. D. Wegner
08h35 - 09h20
Invited talk:
G. Camps-Valls, Uni. València, Spain
Monitoring Earth Climate Variables with Statistical Inference
09h20 - 10h00 Oral presentations (2)

M. Volpi and V. Ferrari.
Semantic segmentation of urban scenes by learning local class interactions

P. Polewski, W. Yao, M. Heurich, P. Krzystek and U. Stilla.
Active learning approach to detecting standing dead trees from ALS point clouds fused with aerial infrared imagery
10h00 - 11h30 Coffee, followed by poster session
11h30 - 12h15
Invited talk:
A. Golovinskiy, Google, Mountain View, CA
Large-scale aerial 3D reconstruction for Google Earth and Google Maps
12h15 - 12h30 Closing and best papers awards

Accepted Papers
