IGARSS (the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium) is the flagship conference of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society...
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The GRSS established the Letters Prize Paper Award (LPPA) to recognize the authors who have published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters during the calendar year an exceptional paper in terms of content and impact on the GRS-Society.
Papers published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Papers authored or co-authored by the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters or persons involved in the selection process are ineligible.
Eligibility and the selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
Certificate and check for US$1500. In case of multiple authors, each will receive a certificate, and the cash award will be shared among the co-authors.
The award shall be presented annually to one recipient, provided a qualified candidate is nominated.
If a suitable paper cannot be identified from among those published during the calendar year, papers published in prior years and subsequently recognized as being meritorious may be considered.
Nominations for GRSS Letters Prize Paper Award shall be made by:
Reviewers of the GRSS Letters papers
Associate Editors of GRSS Letters
Editor in Chief of GRSS Letters
Society members
The nomination package must be submitted by an IEEE GRSS member, consisting of the following:
paper information
relevant contribution
The Editor-in-Chief compiles the list of nominated papers, along with the number of nominations and any other pertinent and appropriate data. The Editor-in-Chief is not allowed to remove any nominated paper from consideration.
The Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. No paper authored or coauthored by persons involved in the selection process is eligible.
In selecting the paper, factors considered are:
The AEs look for the papers they reviewed during the year of the award and nominate multiple candidates. All candidates are placed in a candidate pool and sent to all AEs for evaluation and ranking. The top 5 papers are proposed to the EiC who then forwards them to the Publication Awards Committee for evaluation. The process typically starts when the December issue of all journals (TGRS, GRSL, J-STARS) has been published and the EiC forwards the five candidates to the Publication Awards Committee by the end of January. The evaluation process takes from early February to mid-March, to announce the winners in the March AdCom meeting, where the awards are ratified. Typically there are several meetings among committee members to select the candidates. The candidates are notified immediately after the March AdCom meeting, in which the Awards are ratified.
December | Associate Editors nominate 2-5 candidates from the accepted papers in the award year. All nominations are placed in a candidate pool and sent to all Associate Editors for evaluation and ranking. The five highest-ranked candidates are sent to the Editor-in-Chief for approval. |
End of January | The Editor-in-Chief forwards the five highest-ranked candidates to the Publication Awards Committee. |
Early February to Mid-March | The Publication Awards Committee evaluates the five candidates and selects a winner. |
March | The Award recipients are ratified at the March AdCom meeting. Award recipients are notified by 31 March. |
The award shall be presented at an awards ceremony during IGARSS of the following year.
Antonio Plaza, University of Extremadura (Spain): Chair
Liangpei Zhang, Wuhan University (China)
Paul Scheunders, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Florence Tupin, Telecom Paris (France)
Jun Li, China University Geoscience (China)
Hairong Qi, University of Tennesse (USA)
Hanwen Yu, University of Electronic Science & Technology (China)
Contact: grss-award-pub@ieee.org
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