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WHISPERS 2019: Invitation to GSIS TC session “Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions and Analyses Techniques”

May 28, 2019

We are happy to announce a special session on “Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions and Analyses Techniques” at the upcoming 10th WHISPERS conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 24 – 26 of September 2019. This session is a contribution of the IEEE GRSS Geoscience Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy (GSIS) TC and will focus on all aspects of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions:

  • Reporting about the status of operating and recently launched imaging spectroscopy missions
  • Instrument calibration and monitoring, product validation and quality assessment and control
  • Calibration and validation with special emphasis on coordinated activities amongst the missions
  • Data acquisition planning involving ideas towards “virtual satellite constellations”
  • Data access and data policy issues
  • New data fusion concepts for imaging spectroscopy data with others such as optical, thermal, radar and lidar data
  • New algorithms for value-added (L3) products for a wide range of applications

The special session also aims to bring together key researchers contributing to the state-of-the-art in this research field.

We would like to invite you to contribute to this special session. Please select Topic: [special session : DESIS/EnMAP] (although it is not just about these two instruments). The deadline for submitting abstracts would be 21th of June, 2019. Please feel free to further distribute this email amongst your colleagues.