January 15, 2020
The IEEE GRSS Nominations Committee calls upon our membership to nominate members to serve on the GRSS Administrative Committee (AdCom). Any GRSS member who is willing to serve in the AdCom needs first to submit a self-nomination through the GRSS web site between January 14 and February 28, 2020 (nt.grss-ieee.org/). The self-nomination shall include a recent photo, a brief biography, similar to the one by TGRS authors, and a statement about the commitment and ideas by the candidate for the development of the Society.
All members who successfully completed the self-nomination application may be supported by the membership through a petition page in the GRSS web site (nt.grss-ieee.org/), accessible to the general membership from March 15 to April 30. A petition carrying a minimum of 2% of the names of eligible Society members, excluding students, place that nominee in the slate.
The Nomination Committee shall be guided in the selection of the remaining names in the slate by the number of supporting members, the principles of demonstrated or potential ability in GRSS-related activities, and by other factors which may be relevant, such as geographical distribution, gender diversity, and the academic, governmental, and industrial distribution of the candidates.
The slate derived by the Nominations Committee shall be presented to the Society membership at large via electronic ballot, and the three candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected. The Administrative Committee shall hold an Annual Meeting in November, 2020 after results of this vote are known, at which time elections will be held to fill the remaining three regular vacancies in the Administrative Committee, with all successful candidates to start on January 1, 2021.
Our AdCom consists of 18 elected persons, each of whom serves for three years. Their terms are overlapping to ensure continuity. Additional information on the society and the AdCom is available at www.grss-ieee.org/. We thank all candidates for their willingness to serve and support the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.
A graphic summarizing the process is available here.
Adriano Camps, 2019-2020 GRSS Nominations Committee Chair