Wednesday, November 11, 2020
11 AM US Mountain Time
1 PM US Eastern Time
Speaker: Prof. Carlos López-Martínez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Sponsored by GRSS-Denver Chapter
GRSS Webinar: Signal Processing of Polarimetric SAR: Detection and Parameter Extraction
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) are widely used for observation of natural scenes. In most SAR or PolSAR systems, the size of a resolution cell is much larger than the wavelength. The measured signal is then a coherent addition of the echoes from all individual targets within that cell. Depending on the relative phases of each scattered wave, the coherent addition may be constructive or destructive, and it produces a salt-and-pepper appearance known as speckle over SAR images [1]. The target information, therefore, should be extracted through statistical analysis of the data. Hence, an accurate statistical model to describe the data becomes very important for the extraction of ground target properties
Dr. Carlos López-Martínez (S’97-M’04-SM’11) received the MSc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 1999 and 2003, respectively.
Dr. López-Martínez is Associate Professor in the area of remote sensing and microwave technology in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. He has a large professional international experience at DLR (Germany), at the University of Rennes 1 (France), and as a group leader of the Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Modelling team in the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Luxembourg). His research interests include Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) theory, statistics and applications, multidimensional SAR, radar polarimetry, physical parameter inversion, advanced digital signal processing, estimation theory, and harmonic analysis.
Dr. López-Martínez has authored more than 200 articles in journals, books, and conference proceedings, and received the EUSAR 2002 Conference Student Prize Paper Award, co-authored the paper awarded with the EUSAR 2012 Conference First Place Student Paper Award, and received the IEEE-GRSS 2013 GOLD Early Career Award. Dr. López-Martínez has broad academic teaching experience from bachelor, master, and Ph.D. levels to advanced technical tutorials presented at international conferences and space and research institutions worldwide. He is an associate editor of the IEEE-JSTARS journal and the MDPI Remote Sensing, acting also as invited guest editor for several special issues. He has collaborated in the Spanish PAZ and the ESA’s SAOCOM-CS missions, in the proposal of the Parsifal mission and he is member of the ESA’s Sentinel ROSE-L Mission Advisory Group. He was appointed vice-president of the IEEE-GRSS Spanish chapter, and in 2016 he became its secretary and treasurer. From 2011 Dr. López-Martínez collaborates with the IEEE-GRSS Globalization initiative in Latin America, contributing to the creation of the IEEE-GRSS Chilean chapter and the organization of the 2020 LAGIRSS conference, being appointed as Latin America liaison in 2019. He is also co-chair of the Tutorial Technical Committee of the Indian 2020 InGARSS conference.