IEEE Electronic Services for Chapters

Thursday, October 8, 2020
9AM Eastern Time
Speaker: Khanh Luu, MGA, IEEE, USA

Sponsored by GRSS


IEEE Electronic Services for Chapters

This webinar gives an introduction to the electronic services available from IEEE for helping to do chapter business.
The first part will provide an overview of the following services:

  • vTools (Events, Voting, WebInAbox, WebEx and Officer Reporting)
  • OU Analytics
  • Web hosting
  • Listserv and Functional Aliases
  • Collabratec


The second part will provide a detailed demonstration of the available web hosting services, including WordPress and WebInABox.

Link to viewgraphs:



Kanh Luu graduated with a BA in French. Shortly after graduation, he accepted a position at IEEE as a “Web Support Analyst”. Currently he is researching, testing and implementing solutions for business requirements as well as managing web servers that host over 2700 IEEE websites and supporting members and volunteers worldwide.




Recorded Webinar