Wednesday, September 2, 2020
9AM Eastern Time
Speaker: Raffaele Persico, University of Calabria, Italy
Sponsored by GRSS
Ground Penetrating Radar: Classical Issues and New Perspectives
This lecture examines the migration algorithm and recent advancements regarding the application of this algorithm on GPR data. In particular, after exposing the migration as a procedure derivable from the diffraction tomography, the possibility of combining different images achieved from the same data with different migration procedures will be exposed.
Raffaele Persico is associate professor in Geophysics at the University of Calabria. He has been researcher at the Italian National Research Council CNR and fellow professor in Probability and Statistics at the International Telematic University Uninettuno UTIU. He is permanent member of the Advisory Committee of the International Conference of the Ground Penetrating Radar and is president of the Italian Association of the GPR (Associazione Italiana del Georadar). He was Chair of the 13th ICGPR, co-chair of the 4th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR), publication chair for the 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium and he is vice-chair for the 10th IWAGPR conference, to be held in Malta on July 2021.
His main research activities are devoted to electromagnetic inverse problems, GPR data processing, GPR investigation of cultural heritage, GPR systems, TDR probes. Raffaele Persico is Associate Editor for the international journals Geophysical Prospecting, Near Surface Geophysics, GPR Journal.
Raffaele Persico has received the Christiaan Huygens Medal 2020 from the European Geoscience Union EGU ( He has achieved two Italian patents and has published 4 books, 86 papers on international journals and 162 conference papers.