Thursday, April 2, 2020
15:00 GMT/UTC
11:00 AM US Eastern Time
Speaker: Dr. Benjamin Saute, Telops
Sponsored by GRSS
Detection, Identification, & Quantification of Stack Gas Emissions Using Thermal IR Hyperspectral Imaging
Please join Telops for a webinar discussing results obtained from an environmental monitoring campaign to measure unknown and unexpected VOC emissions resulting from industrial activity at Port Rotterdam, The Netherlands. VOC emissionswere detected, identified and quantified, including methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) from a storage tank and stack gas emissions of chlorodifluoromethane (F22) and ethene (C2H4).
Dr. Benjamin Saute is a Field Applications Engineer with Telops. He earned a doctorate degree in analytical chemistry from the University of Rhode Island in 2012 for work related to detection of trace levels of pesticides using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Following his graduate work, Ben went to work for MRIGlobal in Kansas City, supporting U.S DoD and other government programs as a subject matter expert in optical spectroscopic methods. Ben began working at Telops in January 2019 as a Field Applications Engineer and is currently responsible for high-level technical support to Telops customers and outreach to the broader scientific community.