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Absolute Temperature & Emissivity Calculation Using Multispectral Infrared Data & n-Color TES Image Processing

Friday, July 26, 2019
15:00 GMT/UTC
11:00 AM US Eastern Time
Speaker: Dr. Benjamin Saute, Telops
Sponsored by GRSS


Absolute Temperature & Emissivity Calculation Using Multispectral Infrared Data & n-Color TES Image Processing

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Please join Telops for a webinar discussing absolute temperature measurements of flame-heated metallic components using multispectral infrared imaging data. Telops n-color TES image processing technology allows for the determination of absolute temperature of materials in extreme conditions where direct-contact measurements are not feasible such as the plasma-facing components of tokamak reactors.

Register here.


Dr. Benj Saute is a Field Applications Engineer with Telops. He earned a doctorate degree in analytical chemistry from the University of Rhode Island in 2012 for work related to detection of trace levels of pesticides using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Following his graduate work, Ben went to work for MRIGlobal in Kansas City, supporting U.S DoD and other government programs as a subject matter expert in optical spectroscopic methods. Ben began working at Telops in January 2019 as a Field Applications Engineer and is currently responsible for high-level technical support to Telops customers and outreach to the broader scientific community.