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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society CONSTITUTION

July 2019


I. Name, Purpose, and Means

1. Name

This organization shall be known as the GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SOCIETY of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

2. Purpose

Its purpose shall be scientific, literary, and educational in character. The Society shall strive for the advancement of the theory and practice of electronics, applied branches of engineering and of the related arts and sciences, and the maintenance of high professional standards among its members, all in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE and with special attention to such aims within the field of interest of the Society as are hereinafter defined.

3. Means

The Society shall aid in promoting close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members and to this end shall hold meetings for presentation of papers and their discussion, and through its committees shall study and provide for the needs of its members.

II. Membership

1. Qualifications

The members of the Society shall consist of those members of the IEEE in any grade, including Students, having an interest in any phase of the field of interest of the Society and who pay any prescribed fees.

2. Society Affiliates

Non-IEEE members may be admitted as affiliates, subject to applicable rules and regulations. Affiliates receive all services normally provided to Society members, but affiliates are not IEEE members and are not eligible for any rights, privileges or services reserved only for IEEE members, except as approved by the IEEE Executive Committee.

III. Field of Interest

1. Definition

The fields of interest of the GRS Society are the theory, concepts, and techniques of science and engineering as they apply to the remote sensing of the earth, oceans, atmosphere, and space, as well as the processing, interpretation and dissemination of this information.

2. Means of Modification

The Field of Interest of the Society may be enlarged, reduced, or shifted moderately as the needs of the occasion indicate with the provision that if it overlaps the field of interest of another Society to the extent that interference occurs, the
Technical Activities Board may draw up more exact lines of demarcation, and that if some other Society wishes to enlarge its field to the disadvantage of this Society, that this Society will reasonably and in good faith consider the proposals and abide by any decision of the Technical Activities Board.

IV. Chapters

1. Chapter Formation and Operation

A sub-society may be formed and operated on any plan not inconsistent with the powers of the Administrative Committee (AdCom) of the Society. A sub-society formed in a Section shall be known as a Chapter. A Chapter may assist the AdCom of the Society in the management of a meeting or symposium promoted by the Society in a Section. The Chapter shall be responsible for coordination with the Section on such meetings or symposia. A Chapter may promote Meetings of the Section in the field of interest of the Society under the control and supervision of the Offices of the Section in which the Chapter is located. A Chapter will elect a Chairman, inform the AdCom Chapter Coordinator of the election results, and provide reports to the AdCom Chapter Coordinator as required.

V. Financial Support

1. Fees and Delinquency

The Society may levy dues on its members and Affiliates for publication and additional purposes. Society membership and Society affiliation may be maintained only by regular payment of the Society dues. Any Society member or Affiliate who is delinquent in paying the Society dues for four months shall be dropped from Society membership or affiliation. The Society may increase its dues only when Headquarters is notified by October 1 of each year with the increase to take effect as of the following January 1.

2. Meeting Registration Charges

The Society may make registration charges at its Society meetings, symposia, conferences, conventions, etc. The registration fee for non-IEEE members may be higher than for IEEE members and Society Affiliates.

3. Registration Charge Limitations

The Society shall not make registration charges at a meeting, conference, or convention which it operates as part of a Sectional or Regional meeting, conference, or convention.

4. Other Means of Revenue

The Society may raise revenues by other means, such as advertising, shows, requests for contributions, and charges for sending out notices to non-Society members, provided such means are consistent with applicable IEEE rules and regulations, and do not encroach on revenue fields of prior established Societies or Sections. Any new revenue means not explicitly covered by IEEE rules and regulations must be approved by IEEE before being adopted by the Society.

5. Charges to Non-Members

The Society may, but only after approval of the IEEE, make a charge for sending out notices to non-members of the Society to cover the extra expense thereby involved.

VI. Management and Offices

1. AdCom Size

The Society shall be managed by an Administrative Committee (AdCom) of no less than 15 and no more than 18 members of the Society and the IEEE, plus Past Presidents and additional Ex-Officio Members as provided in the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Bylaws (hereafter referred to as the “By-laws”).

2. AdCom Terms of Office, Dismissal

The terms of office of the members of the AdCom shall be three years with at least three members being elected each year. A member who fails to participate in at least one duly announced AdCom meeting in any calendar year shall, at the discretion of the President, be removed from the AdCom.

3. Election of AdCom Officers and Appointments

The AdCom shall elect one of its members as President and another as Executive Vice-President, each for a term of one year. The President and/or Executive Vice-President may be re-elected to a second one-year term, but the President may not serve more than two years in succession. The newly elected President shall appoint for a one-year term the following officers who must be members of the AdCom: Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Vice-President of Professional Activities, Vice-President of Publications, Vice-President of Meetings and Symposia, Vice-President of Technical Activities and Vice President Information Resources. The newly elected President shall also appoint for one-year terms Directors as provided in the Bylaws. The elective officers shall be of at least Member rank.

4. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the following AdCom members: the President, the Executive Vice-President, Past-Presidents during their term as Members at Large, the Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, the Vice-President of Professional Activities, the Vice-President of Publications, the Vice-President of Meetings and Symposia, the Vice-President of Technical Activities, and the Vice President of Information Resources.

5. President’s and Executive Vice-President’s Powers and Duties

The President, under direction of the AdCom, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society. The President shall prepare the agenda and preside at meetings of the AdCom, at general meetings of the Society, and at the Annual Meeting of the Society, and have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided in the Bylaws, or as may be delegated to the President by vote of the AdCom. In the President’s absence or incapacity, his/her duties shall be performed by the Executive Vice-President. The President will oversee inter-societal committees, international liaisons and the Regional Task Force. The Chairs of Committees specified in the Bylaws will report to the Executive Vice-President. After election and installation, the President shall appoint the other Vice-Presidents in a timely manner.

6. AdCom Relationship to Headquarters

The AdCom may utilize the services of Headquarters as bursar, for all or part of the Society funds, as provided by the IEEE Bylaws and rules and regulations. If any parts of the Society funds are received and deposited separately, the terms and conditions shall be in accordance with IEEE policies and subject to the provisions of the Society Bylaws and to any special limitations imposed by the Administrative Committee.

7. Secretary’s Duties

The Secretary shall be responsible for sending out notices according to plans delineated by the AdCom or laid down in the Society Bylaws; the Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the AdCom, Executive Committee (ExCom), and general meetings of the Society, and shall make such reports of activities as may be required by the AdCom, Technical Activities Board, or the IEEE Bylaws.

8. Chief Financial Officer’s Duties

The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the society’s finances, and for providing regular reports to the AdCom on the financial status of the society. The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare draft budgets for review and approval by the President and the AdCom. These budgets shall be submitted prior to TAB’s approval of budgets and page rates. The Chief Financial Officer shall also provide regular reports on the investments by the Society and its reserves.

9. Appointment of Committees

The President shall appoint the standing committees and Directors provided by the Bylaws soon after election and installation. Other Committees may be authorized by vote of the AdCom and shall be appointed by the President. Members appointed shall serve until their successors are appointed or the Committee is dissolved by the Society AdCom.

10. Representation to Technical Activities Board

The President, as a member of the Technical Activities Board, when notified of a meeting of said Board, is responsible for representation of the Society at such meeting, either by attending or by sending an approved alternate. The process for providing an alternate for TAB meetings shall be in accordance with IEEE and TAB Policies.

11. Assumption to Office

The newly elected President, the Executive Vice-President, and members of the Administrative Committee shall assume office on the first day of January of each year, unless a different time is provided in the Bylaws.

12. Limitation of Debt Authority

Neither the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, nor any officer or representative thereof, shall have any authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the IEEE except within prior approved budgets.

13. Limitation on Ownership of Monies

Monies held by or for the Society legally belong to the IEEE, and such monies shall not be expended for purposes known to be inimical to the interests of the IEEE.

14. Ex-Officio AdCom Members

The AdCom may appoint members of the IEEE and the Society to become
Ex-Officio members of AdCom as specified in the Bylaws. These members
are entitled to participate in the discussions of all AdCom matters.
Ex-Officio members are in two categories, namely (a) those without
voting rights, and (b) those with limited voting rights.

Ex-Officio Members with or without voting rights are not full
AdCom members and are not eligible to be candidates for President or
Executive Vice-President. Ex-Officio members with voting rights cannot
vote for candidates for AdCom, but can vote for the President, and the
Executive Vice-President.

Terms of Ex-Officio members are three years or less. Upon expiration of the term, an Ex-Officio member can be reappointed to a new term.

VII. Election of Administrative Committee

1. Nomination Procedure

The nomination procedure shall include provision for petition by Society members to place a name on the ballot.

2. Election Procedure

Election to the members-at-large of the AdCom shall be as prescribed in the Bylaws.

3. Within-Term Vacancies

Within-term vacancies on the AdCom shall be filled by appointments, for the unexpired terms, by the President with the consent of the Committee.

VIII. Meetings

1. Types of Meetings

The Society may hold meetings, conferences, symposia, or conventions either along, or in cooperation with a Sectional, Regional, or National Convention Committee of the IEEE, or other technical organization, subject to IEEE rules and regulations. The Society shall sponsor at least one technical conference of national scope each year, which may be held during the International Convention, or during some other IEEE meeting, or as a separate conference.

IX. Publications

1. Publication Policy

Publications undertaken by the Society shall be subject to IEEE policies and to any further guidance or controls prescribed by the Administrative Committee or its duly appointed committees. The Society shall be responsible for the financial aspects of its publication program.

X. Amendments

1. Amendments to Constitution

Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by petition submitted by twenty-five Society members, or by action of the AdCom, such petition being submitted to the Vice President of Technical Activities of the IEEE for approval. After such approval, the proposed amendment shall be publicized in the Society Transactions or Newsletter, with notice that it goes into effect unless ten percent of the Society members object within 30 days of publication. If such objections are received, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be mailed for return of the ballot and the ballots shall carry a statement of the time-limit for their return to the IEEE office. Approval of the amendment by at least two-thirds of those voting shall be necessary for its enactment.

2. Amendments to Bylaws

Suitable Bylaws to this Constitution may be adopted or amended by two-thirds vote of the AdCom at an assembled meeting provided that notice of the proposed change has been sent to each member of the Administrative Committee at least one week prior to such meeting, or a Bylaw or amendment may be adopted by two-thirds vote of the members of the AdCom by written communication from the President to each member and vote received by such means. Approval of the amendment by at least two-thirds of those voting shall be necessary for its enactment. The proposed Bylaw or amendment shall be sent to the Vice President, Technical Activities for approval. Upon such approval, it shall be published to the Society Transactions or Electronic Newsletter. No By-law or amendment shall take effect until all requirements have been met.

3. Constitution Amendment History

Constitution Originally Approved October 16, 1962
Amended March 24, 1970
Amended November 29, 1976
Amended November 6, 1979
Amended April 6, 1984
Amended November 29, 1984
Amended October 24, 1987
Amended September 6, 1994
Amended November 15, 1994
Amended April 28, 1995
Amended November 15, 1998
Amended February 17, 2001
Amended October 25, 2002
Amended October 25, 2003
Amended November 3, 2007
Amended July 5, 2008
Amended November 7, 2009
Amended March 31, 2010
Amended November 5, 2011
Amended July 26, 2019