John A. Reagan (SM 1983, F 1988), received the B.S. Physics (1963) and the M.S. Electrical Engineering (1964) from the University of Missouri, Rolla and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (1967) from the University of Wisconsin, and became a registered P.E. in Arizona in 1981. He joined the University of Arizona Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) in 1967, and rose through the ranks to Professor (1976) and then was jointly appointed as Professor of Optical Sciences (1991). He became Head of ECE in 1997 and served in this position until 2003. He retired in 2004, with an appointment as Professor Emeritus of ECE and Optical Science. Dr. Reagan has worked in teaching and research at the University of Arizona for over forty years. His research interests are in the general area of electromagnetic remote sensing with emphasis on atmospheric optics, laser radar (lidar), solar radiometry and optoelectronics. He has conducted many supported research projects on the application of laser radar and solar radiometry for atmospheric sensing, including numerous publications on these topics. This has included a number of experimental efforts relating to satellite ground-truth and calibration projects. In recognition of his work in remote sensing, he was named fellow of IEEE in 1988, received the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) Outstanding Service Award in 1989, the GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award in 1995, and was awarded an IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. Additionally, he received the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal (NASA’s highest civilian award) in 2005, and was awarded in 2008 a Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Coordination-group for Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS). He has also participated in many academic/professional/government committees, panels and task forces related to remote sensing. Over the past three decades he has been active in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society: GRSS Ad Com 1981-02; Secretary/Treasurer, 1984-87; Vice President, 1988-89; President, 1990-91; Membership, Chair, 1988-89; PACE, Chair, 1993-02; Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Associate Editor, 1993-98; Nominations Chair, 1993-94 as well as serving in a number of IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) positions: TAB Administrative Council, 1990-91; TAB/AC President’s Representative, 1992; TAB Ad hoc Affiliates, 1991-92; Nominations & Appointments, 1991-92; PAB/TAB Electronic Products, 1994-99; Book Broker/Conference Publications, 1993-02; Book/Broker, Chair, 1996-98; TAB Products, 1996-98; Publication Activities Board, 1997-98; Electromagnetics Award, 1998-00. He was also Participant, Presenter, Session Chair/Organizer and Technical Program Member in numerous IGARSS and General Chair/Co-Organizer of 1993 CO-MEAS Topical Symposium. He was elected in 2003 to become IEEE Division IX Director and member of the IEEE Board of Directors for 2004-2005. Besides IEEE, he is a Member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE). He continues at the University of Arizona with part-time funded research work, including directing graduate students and working with postdoctoral associates. (Date: March 2011)