Past Distinguished Lecturers
The Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) is a service of the GRSS and its members to support our chapter activities. Our goal is to provide chapters with access to leading professionals in geoscience and remote sensing and discuss novel topics in current research. This is an opportunity for the GRSS membership to hear interesting talks about work being done in our fields of interest and to meet some of the prominent members of our Society.
Past Speakers

Alejandro Frery
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió Brazil
Statistics and Information Theory in Remote Sensing with SAR

Christopher J. Ruf
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Earth Venture Mission

David Long
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA
Satellite Scatterometry: Winds, Vegetation, and Ice

Gustau Camps-Valls
Universitat de València, Spain
Machine Learning for Remote Sensing Data Analysis

Jun Li
Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Recent Advances in Spectral–Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification

Lori Mann Bruce
Tennessee Technological University, USA
Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Applications of UAVs for Precision Agriculture

Mahta Moghaddam
University of Southern California, USA
Microwave Sensing Through the Subsurface for Addressing the Water Puzzle

Peter Baumann
Jacobs University, Germany
(1) Datacubes as a Novel Paradigm for Massive Earth Data Analysis: Concepts and Implementation; (2) Big Data Standards in OGC, ISO, and INSPIRE: Overview, Concepts, and Use

Toshio Iguchi
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Radar Measurement of Precipitation from Space

Lisa Haskell
Data Harmonisation and Interoperability in the Space Industry

Rohit Singh
GIS, Artificial Intelligence,, PyTorch, TensorFlow, CycleGAN

Tao Guo
Development of application solutions hub in Earth Observation industry

Ilke Demir
Deep learning, Computer vision, Automatic extraction, Generative models, Urban reconstruction

B.S. Daya Sagar
Indian Statistical Institute-Bangalore Centre
(1) Mathematical Morphology in Geoscience, Remote Sensing and Geospatial Data Science: An Overview; (2) Processing and Analysis of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) via Binary and Grayscale Granulometries, Morphological Interpolations, and Morphological Distances

Carlos López Martínez
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
(1) Basics of SAR Polarimetry; (2) SAR Polarimetry: Theory and Applications; (3) SAR, SAR Polarimetry & Multitemporal SAR Statistical Description

Chris Rampersad
Trade-offs between space hardware and ground processing, image formation and calibration

Keely Roth
Vegetation, Agriculture, Data Fusion, Machine Learning

(1) Vegetation analysis and remote sensing (2) Right data for the right applications (3) Hyperspectral applications and gotchas (4) Writing winning proposals (5) Alternative careers in remote sensing