Benefits of Membership

Why join the GRSS community?

  1. To share your ideas, methods, and datasets, and to stay informed about recent developments and job opportunities in your field.
  2. To enjoy discounts when publishing in our top-tier journals and joining our conferences.
  3. To propose and lead special topic journal issues in our high-impact publications.
  4. To make GRSS funds available for students (GRSS summer schools, IGARSS student grants, student grand challenges), and young professionals (GRSS sponsorship).
  5. To give back to the community by attending or organizing meetings in your local GRSS chapter and promoting activities in your geographical area.
  6. To organize workshops and events sponsored by GRSS through local chapters.
  7. To foster collaborations and build a community through conferences.
  8. To take part in exclusive mentoring and young professional activities.
  9. To meet other communities and learn from their perspectives.
  10. To access valuable content available to members on the GRSS Resource Center, IEEE Xplore, and IEEE DataPort.

Additional benefits

  • GoogleApps@IEEE: Complimentary unique IEEE email alias (, mail forwarding or email inbox (Gmail), 30 GB of shared storage (Gmail and Google Drive), 99.9 percent up time guaranteed by Google, advertisement-free Gmail, storage of files in the cloud for easy sharing and access from anywhere via Google Drive, free Google Hangouts for messaging, voice and video calls
  • Free access to IEEE Xplore and IEEE DataPort.
  • Reduced fees on IEEE GRSS Resource Center.
  • Engineering career and employment resources.
  • Networking with others in the local member community (chapters).
  • Complimentary subscription to IEEE Spectrum magazine.